The Zoning Board of Appeals may recommend approval of a planned unit development special use application if it has determined that all of the following standards have been complied with:
   (A)   Compliance with the requirements listed in §§ 157.397 through 157.399;
   (B)   A planned unit development must conform with the planning objectives specified in the comprehensive plan;
   (C)   The uses permitted in a planned unit development must be of type and so located as to exercise no undue detrimental influence upon surrounding properties. In addition, the planned unit development shall not endanger the public health, welfare, or safety, nor shall it substantially diminish or impair property values in the neighborhood in which it is to be located;
   (D)   The planned unit development must be of a character and contain such uses that are needed in the area of the proposed project;
   (E)   The density of a planned unit development (either in dwelling units for residential uses, or in floor area for all other uses) shall generally correspond to the density regulations imposed by the underlying zoning district. The density of the planned unit development is not necessarily required to precisely correspond with the normal density of the underlying zoning district but instead should reflect that district’s character through complimentary building types and architectural design;
   (F)   The planned unit development shall comply with the provisions of the county’s subdivision regulations and development codes unless otherwise agreed to and approved by the County Board;
   (G)   The interior traffic pattern plan plus ingress and egress onto public rights-of-way does not create congestion or dangers and is adequate for the safety of the project residents and general public;
   (H)   A sufficient amount of usable open space is provided;
   (I)   The development shall comply with the erosion, sediment, and stormwater control ordinance; and
   (J)   The development schedule ensures a logical development of the site which will protect the public interest and conserve land.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-23(f))