(A)   No sign shall be erected so as to prevent free ingress and egress from any door or window.
   (B)   No sign shall be attached to a public utility pole, fence, gutter drain, or fire escape, other than warning signs issued by government officials or public utilities, “no trespassing signs”, notification signs for emergency personal, or other such signs, so long as these signs are not larger than four square feet.
   (C)   No sign shall be erected so as to impair access to a roof or prevent free ingress or access from any door, window, fire escape, driveway, or utility line.
   (D)   If a sign which is located such that a major portion of the sign face will directly face structures in any residential district, then the illumination of such signage shall be directed at the sign face, shaded, and so limited that there will not be any glare to the occupants of property in the residential district. In no event shall a sign have flashing, rotating, or moving intermittent lights.
   (E)   No sign shall be permitted within a sight triangle, except for safety-related signs.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-20(h)) Penalty, see § 157.999