In addition to the jurisdiction, authority, and duties which may be conferred upon the Community Development Administrator by other ordinances, the Community Development Administrator shall have the following jurisdiction, authority, and duties:
   (A)   Act as the enforcing officer of these regulations and make, or cause to be made, periodic inspections of all work authorized by permits issued in accordance with these regulations and make, or cause to be made, investigations of violations of these regulations and cause any such violations to be corrected;
   (B)   Serve as both the Secretary and the Technical Consultant to the ZBA and Land Use Committee, and inform such body of all facts and information at his or her disposal with respect to applications for development approval or any other matters brought before it;
   (C)   Assist in the preparation and review of the county’s comprehensive plan, any special area plans, these regulations, and any proposed amendments thereto;
   (D)   Maintain the official zoning district maps of the county;
   (E)   Maintain development review files and other public records of all official actions taken by the county’s Department of Community Development with respect to the administration and enforcement of these regulations;
   (F)   Review all applications for permits for the construction, enlargement, structural alterations, conversion, or relocation of any building or structure;
   (G)   Review and recommend approval or disapproval of applications for special use permits, variances, and amendments to these regulations;
   (H)   Issue building permits and certificates of occupancy and inspect, if necessary, the building for which the permit or certificate applies;
   (I)   Issue written notice to the person responsible for any violation of these regulations;
   (J)   Take, or cause to be taken, any other action necessary to ensure compliance with, and prevent the violations of, the provisions of these regulations;
   (K)   Coordinate all local, regional, state, and federal environmental and other land development permitting processes affecting development in the county;
   (L)   Establish such rules of procedure as are necessary for the administration of his or her responsibilities under these regulations;
   (M)   Whenever requested by the County Board or by his or her own initiative, with the assistance of other county departments, conduct or cause to be conducted, surveys, investigations, and studies, and prepare or cause to be prepared such reports, maps, photographs, charts, and exhibits as may be requested or desired; and
   (N)   Establish and fulfill any procedures or practices necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the Community Development Department.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-28(c))