§ 157.057 YARDS.
   (A)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the minimum yard dimensions specified hereafter shall not be reduced except through action by the ZBA.
   (B)   The following yard regulations and standards shall apply to all lots or tracts of land on which a structure is located.
      (1)   Yards shall be kept unobstructed for their entire depth except as specified hereafter.
      (2)   Private driveways, service drives, easements, sidewalks, flagpoles, arbors, trellises, fences, walls, ornamentation, vegetation, columns, light poles, hydrants, accessory signs, seasonal decorations, and utility devices may be placed in any yard.
      (3)   Agriculture may be carried on in any yard except as hereinafter provided.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-5(w))