Off-premises signs such as, but not limited to, billboards, may be permitted as special uses in the C-2 Zoning District along state, U.S. designated highways, and interstate highways, and in the I-1 and I-2 Zoning Districts in accordance with the procedures and standards as set forth in §§ 157.435 through 157.447, provided the following requirements are also met:
(A) Signs shall be constructed of steel with mono-pole and shall not be stacked;
(B) Signs shall not exceed 300 square feet per sign face;
(C) No sign shall exceed 30 feet in height;
(D) Signs shall be separated by one-quarter mile along the same road frontage; and
(E) Wherever applicable, signs shall comply with the standards of the state’s Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1971, as amended (225 ILCS 440/1 et seq.).
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-20(l))