Signs and Awnings
110.001 Off-premises commercial signs
110.002 Permits; fee
110.003 Bonds
110.004 Construction
110.005 Height
110.006 Inspection
110.020 Purpose; prohibition
110.021 Definition
110.022 Permit required
110.023 Application for permit
110.024 Revocation of permit
110.025 Permit relocation
110.026 Wind; pressure
110.027 Design requirements
110.028 Fireproofing
110.029 Illumination
110.030 Fire escapes
110.031 Height; distance
110.032 Location; frontage consents
110.033 Consent of owner
110.034 Roof signs
110.035 Abutting buildings
110.036 Nuisances
110.037 Compliance
110.038 Enforcement
110.039 Removal
110.040 Alterations
110.041 Registration; identification
110.042 Fees; bonds; insurance
110.043 Maintenance
110.044 Inspection
110.045 Reconstruction
110.046 Advertising subjects
Outdoor Advertisers
110.060 Definition
110.061 License; fee
110.062 Poster panels
110.063 Consent of owner
110.064 Refuse
110.065 Unlawful advertisements
110.066 Disfiguring
110.067 Name of advertiser
110.068 Exemptions
Advertising Signs
110.080 Permit required
110.081 Application
110.082 Expiration
110.083 Fees
110.084 Maintenance
110.085 Removal
110.086 Revocation of permit
110.087 Construction standards
110.999 Penalty
Audible noise to attract attention to a business or public assembly prohibited, see § 94.04