(a)   The emergency medical services authority shall conduct a quality assurance program. The quality assurance program shall meet or exceed the requirements of SDCL 34-11-11. All agencies which provide emergency medical services, including those employing call takers, emergency medical dispatchers, law enforcement and fire first responders, medical transport agencies and their online medical control, receiving facilities, and, if and as appropriate, a coroner, shall participate when requested by the emergency medical services authority to do so.
   (b)   The quality assurance records and proceedings of the emergency medical services authority and its medical board and other persons associated with those quality assurance records and proceedings are afforded the same protections and immunities as provided in SDCL 36-4 and SDCL 36-4B.
(1992 Code, § 19-119) (Ord. 27-95, passed 2-21-1995; Ord. 82-04, passed 8-9-2004)