§ 120.001 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   EXTERMINATION. The use of any insecticide, rodenticide or any other substances or mechanical devices, other than fumigants, under whatever name known, for the destruction or control of insects, vermin, rodents or other pests.
   FUMIGATION. The use of any substance which by itself or in combination with any other substances emits or liberates gas, fumes or vapors, and which gas, fumes or vapors, when liberated and used for the destruction or control of insects, vermin, rodents or other pests, are lethal, poisonous, noxious or dangerous to human life.
   PEST CONTROL. The identification of infestations or infections, the making of inspections of the use of insecticides, rodenticides, fumigants, substances or mechanical devices, under whatever name known, for the purpose of destroying or controlling insects, vermin, rodents and other pests in household structures and other properties.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.501; 1992 Code, § 31-1)
   Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 10.002
   The holder of a pest control license shall, prior to the commencement of fumigation, notify the police and fire departments and the health department of the date and hour when fumigation is to commence, and no fumigation shall be performed unless the notice has been given. Upon completion of fumigation the departments shall be so notified.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.506; 1992 Code, § 31-2)
   Fire protection and prevention, see ch. 91
   Health and sanitation, see ch. 92
   Police, see §§ 131.020, 131.021
   No building or enclosed space shall be occupied by human beings during the period of fumigation. It shall be the duty of the fumigator to make a careful examination of all parts of the buildings or enclosed space in order to verify that no human beings have remained therein and that all necessary precautions have been taken to safeguard the life and health of all persons occupying buildings adjoining that in which the fumigation is to be performed.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.506; 1992 Code, § 31-3)
   All crevices, cracks or openings of any building or enclosed space to be fumigated shall be sealed in a manner as to confine the fumigant to the space intended to be fumigated.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 7.506; 1992 Code, § 31-4)