The table below provides a non-exhaustive list of ordinance violations subject to adjudication under this chapter:
4-3-2 (b)(1)
Any structures, kennels, pens, or runs for the keeping of animals must comply with all ordinances, titles, chapters and codes of the Village of Scales Mound.
4-3-2 (b)(2)
Any structures, kennels, pens, or runs for the keeping of animals shall be located only within a rear yard.
4-3-2 (b)(3)
Any kennel, pens, or runs requirements
Inhumanely beat, underfeed, overload or abandon any animal.
Fail to provide any animal with proper shelter
Promote, stage, hold, manage, conduct or carry on any animal fight
Hold a greased pig contest.
Keep animals in violation of the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act 1or the Illinois Animal Welfare Act 2
Intentionally strike wildlife with a motor vehicle
Torment, shoot at Animals
Give away or use any live animal as a prize
Bring or cause to have brought into the Village, sell, offer for sale, barter or display living baby chicks, ducklings, or other fowl or rabbits which have been dyed, colored or otherwise treated so as to impart to them an artificial color, or give away as pets or sell, offer for sale, barter or give away at no cost or as novelties or prizes. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit legitimate commerce in poultry for agricultural or food purposes.
Poison or cause to be poisoned any domesticated animal
Take the nest or eggs or young of any bird that is protected by Federal or State law.
Wild animal
Animal weather conditions
Own any animal which is known to be infected with any disease transmissible to other animals or man, including severe parasitism, unless such animal shall be confined in such a manner as not to expose other animals or man.
Control of animal
4-3-4 (b)(1)
Consent required - animal
4-3-4 (b)(2)
Public body of water: To permit any animal, whether licensed or not, to enter any public body of water, pond, fountain or stream.
4-3-4 (b)(3)
Food establishment - animal
4-3-4 (b)(4)
Animal trespass
4-3-4 (b)(5)
Animal damage
4-3-4 (b)(6)
Vehicles: To permit any dog to chase, run after or jump at vehicles using the public thoroughfares.
4-3-4 (b)(7)
Threatening animal
4-3-4 (b)(8)
Vicious or dangerous animal
4-3-4 (b)(9)
Disturbance of the peace - animal
4-3-4 (b)(10)
Unsanitary conditions - animal
4-3-4 (b)(11)
4-3-4 (b)(12)
Exotic Animals
4-3-4 (b)(13)
Number Of Dogs Or Cats
4-3-4 (14)(a)
For any person to cause or permit any animal to be on any property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person unless such person has in his immediate possession a device for the removal of excrement and a depository for the transmission of excrement to a receptacle located upon property owned or possessed by such person.
4-3-4 (14)(b)
For any person in control of, causing or permitting any animal to be on any property, public or private, not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove excrement left by such animal to a proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person.
4-3-4 (b)(15)
Bites: To fail to report an animal bite.
4-3-4 (b)(16)
Animals Other Than Domestic Pets
4-3-4 (b)(17)
Animals on Public Street Or Highway
4-3-4 (b)(18)(a)
Vicious Animal Requirements
4-3-4 (b)(18)(b)
Vicious Animal Enforcement
4-3-4 (b)(19)
Public Nuisance Animal
Running At Large, Removal From Premises Prohibited
Running at Large Preventive Measures
Disposition of Dead Animals
Violation Code
Violation Text
Violation Category
Initial Fine
Step 2 Fee
Step 3 Fee
Step 4 Fee
5-1-6 (b)(1)
It shall be unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle on the public streets and alleys of the village for more than twenty four (24) hours.
5-1-6 (b)(2)
It shall be unlawful to set, put, place, deposit or store any part or component part of any vehicle on the public streets and alleys of the village for more than twenty four (24) hours.
Violation Code
Violation Text
Initial fine
Step 2 Fee
Step 3 Fee
Step 4 Fee
Violation Code
Violation Text
Initial fine
Step 2 Fee
Step 3 Fee
Step 4 Fee
Business lic - nuisance
Business lic - posting license
Alcoholic beverages - hours of operation
Alcoholic beverages - premises requirements
Alcoholic beverages - operational restrictions
Alcoholic beverages - consumption on premises
Alcoholic beverages - employee health requirements
Alcoholic beverages - persons under twenty one
Alcoholic beverages - sales to certain persons prohibited
Alcoholic beverages - peddling liquor
Alcoholic beverages - open containers
Alcoholic beverages - entertainment
Junk dealers - license required
Junk dealers - prohibited operations
Junk Dealers - concealment of articles
Adult entertainment - license required
Adult entertainment- regulations and requirements
Height restriction
Interfering with enforcement officials
Outdoor and indoor burning
Burning permission required
Open burning of leaves
Fires near buildings, on public ways
Assault; battery; disturbing the peace
Disorderly, lewd conduct
Disturbing assemblies and public dances
Discharge of weapons and fireworks
Deposit of refuse on public ways
Damage to public property
Throwing missiles
Driving or riding on sidewalks
Obstructing public ways
Failure to aid village marshal
Public intoxication
Discrimination in housing
Keeping of chickens - permit required
Keeping of chickens - performance standards
Keeping of chickens - structure requirements
Keeping of chickens - location requirements
Keeping of chickens - prohibited activities
Excessive acceleration and noise prohibited
Truck routes
Railroad trains obstructing intersections
Snowmobiles - permitted streets
Snowmobiles - private property
Non-highway vehicles - limitations on use
Public ways & property - sidewalks accumulation of snow
Village park - hours
Village park- Tables for Park Use Only
Public utilities- garbage collection required
Public utilities- cross connection restricted
Public utilities-use of sewer required
Public utilities- building sewers and connections
Public utilities- discharge into sewer system
Public utilities- interceptors required
Public utilities- damage to, tampering with sewage works
Zoning regulations
(Ord. 2021-002, 10-25-2021)