A.   Routes Established:
      1.   Traffic entering the village from the south on Elizabeth- Scales Mound Road shall continue north on Franklin Street to South Avenue, then east on South Avenue and cross the railroad crossing to North Avenue, then east on North Avenue to Jackson Street, then north on Jackson Street to Charles Mound Avenue, then west on Charles Mound Avenue to Franklin Street, then north on Elizabeth-Scales Mound Road.
      2.   Traffic entering the village from the north on Elizabeth- Scales Mound Road shall go east on Charles Mound Avenue to Jackson Street, then south on Jackson Street to North Avenue, then west on North Avenue and cross the railroad crossing to South Avenue, then west on South Avenue to Franklin Street, then south on Franklin Street and exit the village on Elizabeth-Scales Mound Road.
   B.   Scope: The truck routes shall be in force for all vehicles in excess of eight thousand (8,000) pounds excepting delivery vehicles that are making deliveries to localities within the village limits.
   C.   Penalty: A violation of this section is a petty offense and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00). (Ord., 1-29-2001)