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Purpose and Scope
   152.001   Authority and title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Scope
   152.004   Vested right
   152.005   Conflicting laws and regulations
Administration and Enforcement
   152.020   Compliance required
   152.021   Zoning administration
   152.022   Duties of the Zoning Administrator
   152.023   Land use permits
   152.024   Consultants
   152.025   Fees
   152.026   Performance guarantee
Zoning Districts and Map
   152.040   Establishment of districts
   152.041   Zoning map
   152.042   Interpretation
   152.043   Application
   152.044   Table of dimensions
   152.045   Table of uses
Low Density Residential District
   152.060   Purpose
   152.061   Permitted uses
   152.062   Special land uses
   152.063   Site development standard
Medium Density Residential District
   152.080   Purpose
   152.081   Permitted uses
   152.082   Special land uses
   152.083   Site development standards
High Density Residential District
   152.100   Purpose
   152.101   Permitted uses
   152.102   Special land uses
   152.103   Site development standards
Multiple-Family Residential District
   152.120   Purpose
   152.121   Permitted uses
   152.122   Special land uses
   152.123   Site development standards
Residential-Office Business District
   152.140   Purpose
   152.141   Permitted uses
   152.142   Special land uses
   152.143   Site development standards
Central Business District
   152.160   Purpose
   152.161   Permitted uses
   152.162   Special land uses
   152.163   Site development standards
Secondary Business District
   152.180   Purpose
   152.181   Permitted uses
   152.182   Special land uses
   152.183   Site development standards
Research-Technology-Office District
   152.200   Purpose
   152.201   Permitted uses
   152.202   Special land uses
   152.203   Site development standards
Office District
   152.210   Purpose
   152.211   Permitted uses
   152.212   Special land uses
   152.213   Site development standards
Public Lands District
   152.220   Purpose
   152.221   Permitted uses
   152.222   Special land uses
   152.223   Site development standards
Planned Unit Development
   152.230   Purpose
   152.231   General requirements
   152.232   Eligibility criteria
   152.233   Density
   152.234   Site development standards
   152.235   PUD rezoning application and procedure
   152.236   PUD conditions
   152.237   Authority of Zoning Board of Appeals regarding variances
   152.238   Phasing and commencement of construction
   152.239   Violations
Special Land Uses
   152.240   Purpose
   152.241   Permit application and process
   152.242   General approval criteria
   152.243   Specific approval criteria
General Provisions
   152.260   Purpose
   152.261   Roads and access
   152.262   Supplementary use regulations
   152.263   Supplementary yard regulations
   152.264   Supplementary height regulations
   152.265   Sidewalks
   152.266   Condominium developments
   152.267   Definitions
   152.268   Transient and seasonal sales
   152.269   Accessory dwelling units (ADU)
   152.270   Storage containers as storage buildings
   152.271   Alternative energy systems
Off-Street Parking and Loading
   152.280   Purpose
   152.281   General requirements
   152.282   Off-street parking
   152.283   Minimum off-street parking spaces
   152.284   Off-street loading
   152.285   Drive-through facilities
   152.300   Purpose
   152.301   Permits
   152.302   Permitted signs in all districts
   152.303   Prohibited signs
   152.304   General standards
   152.305   Miscellaneous permitted signs
   152.306   Permitted ground signs
   152.307   Reserved
   152.308   Permitted wall signs
   152.309   Permitted projecting or suspended signs
   152.310   Permitted temporary signs
   152.311   Abandoned signs
   152.312   Nonconforming signs
   152.313   Regulation and enforcement
Landscaping and Screening
   152.325   Purpose
   152.326   Application
   152.327   Landscape plans
   152.328   General landscape standards
   152.329   Landscaped buffer areas
   152.330   Foundation plantings
   152.331   Landscaping adjacent to roads
   152.332   Landscaping off-street parking lots
   152.333   Tree and shrub standards
   152.334   Installation and maintenance
   152.335   Waivers and modifications
   152.336   Nonconforming sites
Residential Open Space Development
   152.350   Purpose
   152.351   General requirements
   152.352   Permitted uses
   152.353   Density
   152.354   Site development standards
Environmental Performance Standards
   152.370   Purpose
   152.371   Environmental performance standards
Site Plan Review
   152.385   Purpose
   152.386   Plot plan approval
   152.387   Site plan approval
   152.388   General application standards
   152.389   Preliminary site plan application
   152.390   Preliminary site plan review
   152.391   Final site plan application
   152.392   Impact assessment report
   152.393   Final site plan review
   152.394   Amendment to approved plot plan or site plan
   152.395   Modification during construction
   152.396   Construction observation and inspections
   152.397   As-built drawing
Nonconforming Lots, Uses and Structures
   152.415   Purpose
   152.416   General provisions
   152.417   Nonconforming lots
   152.418   Nonconforming uses
   152.419   Nonconforming structures
   152.420   Change of tenancy or ownership
   152.421   Special land uses
   152.422   Purchase or condemnation
   152.423   Prior construction approval
Zoning Board of Appeals
   152.440   Authority
   152.441   Membership, removal, terms
   152.442   Powers and duties
   152.443   Procedures
   152.444   Variances
   152.445   Rules for granting variances
   152.460   Amendment procedure
   152.461   Map amendment criteria
   152.999   Penalty
   This chapter is adopted pursuant to the City and Village Zoning Act, Public Act 207 of 1921, as amended (M.C.L.A §§ 125.581 et seq.) and subsequently amended pursuant to the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended (M.C.L.A. §§ 125.3101 et seq.). This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Village of Pinckney Zoning Ordinance and may hereinafter be referred to as this chapter.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 87 ZBA, passed 3-23-2009)
§ 152.002 PURPOSE.
   It is the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance to promote public health, safety and welfare, encourage the use of land and natural resources in accordance with their character, adaptability and suitability for particular purposes, enhance social and economic stability, prevent excessive concentration of population, reduce natural and man-made hazards, lessen traffic congestion, promote the development of adequate improvements, provide recreation opportunities and open space, enhance the value of real property, allow for a variety of land uses and to facilitate the expenditure of funds for public facilities and services by establishing herein standards for physical development in accordance with the goals, objectives and policies contained in the Village of Pinckney Comprehensive Plan and Parks and Recreation Plan and to provide for the administration and enforcement of the standards.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
§ 152.003 SCOPE.
   No lot, land use or structure, or part thereof, shall hereafter be created, established, developed, erected, constructed, reconstructed, expanded or altered, except as permitted by the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
§ 152.004 VESTED RIGHT.
   Nothing in this Zoning Ordinance shall be interpreted or construed to give rise to any permanent vested right in the continuation of any particular use, zoning district or permissible activity therein. Any such use, zoning district or activity is hereby declared to be subject to subsequent amendment, change or modification by the village as may be necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)