(A) Residential uses.
(1) All residential uses may be permitted with the following minimum lot sizes per unit, based upon a discretionary 25% density credit from the zoning district in which the property is situated immediately prior to classification under this subchapter. In the event that the property is already zoned PUD, density shall be allowed at the discretion of the Village Planning Commission and Village Council, based on the master plan and surrounding land use densities and character. Land area under water, public road rights-of-way, and private road easements shall not be included in the gross density calculation.
Minimum Residential Lot Sizes PUD District | Minimum Lot Size per Unit |
Rl | 16,335 square feet |
R2 | 9,000 square feet |
R3 | 6,534 square feet |
R4 | 6,534 square feet |
(2) Additional density greater than specified above may be allowed depending on the type and character of the development at the discretion of the Planning Commission and Village Council based upon a demonstration by the applicant of design excellence and conformance to the standards listed in § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria, as well as conformance to the master plan.
(B) The Planning Commission and Village Council may allow a residential PUD in areas having a nonresidential base zoning subject to compliance with the master plan or a determination by the Planning Commission and Village Council that the proposed development meets the general intent of § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria.
(C) A planned unit development incorporating nonresidential uses, such as commercial, institutional or a mix of nonresidential and residential uses, may also be allowed subject to compliance with the master plan or a determination by the Planning Commission and Village Council that the proposed development meets the general intent of § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria.
(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)
Any planned unit development shall comply with the following project design standards:
(A) Generally.
(1) The proposed PUD shall meet the eligibility criteria of § 152.232.
(2) Uses permitted. Any residential, office or commercial use is permitted, upon a determination that the uses would meet the intent of this subchapter.
(3) Harmony with surrounding uses. The uses and design of the PUD shall be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area in terms of density, intensity of use, size and height of buildings, architecture and other impacts.
(B) Setbacks, general provisions, and other applicable zoning requirements shall be met in relation to each respective land use in the PUD based upon the zoning districts in which the use is listed. In all cases, the strictest provisions shall apply.
(C) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
(1) Thoroughfare, drainage, and utility designs shall meet or exceed the standards otherwise applicable in connection with each of the respective types of uses served.
(2) The pedestrian circulation system, and its related sidewalks and pathways, shall be separated from vehicular thoroughfares.
(3) The number and dimensions of off-street parking shall be sufficient to meet the minimum required of §§ 152.280 et seq. However, when warranted by overlapping or shared parking arrangements or based upon specific findings, the Village Council may approve a reduction of the required number of parking spaces as recommended by the Planning Commission.
(D) Utilities.
(1) There shall be underground installation of utilities, including electricity and telephone, unless otherwise permitted by the village.
(2) The uses and design shall be consistent with the available capacity of the existing street network and utility systems or the applicant shall upgrade the infrastructure as required to accommodate the PUD. All streets and parking areas within the proposed PUD shall meet the minimum construction and other requirements of village ordinances and Technical Specifications.
(3) Mechanical equipment shall be placed on the roof or in a side yard or rear yard and shall be screened from the street. Mechanical equipment on the roof shall be screened from abutting streets with parapets or other types of visual screening materials.
(E) Design features. The PUD shall use design features that foster attractiveness and usability throughout the project and that create compatibility with adjoining properties.
(1) Signage, lighting, landscaping, architecture and building materials for the exterior of all structures, and other features of the project, shall be designed and completed with the objective of achieving a quality, integrated development, consistent with the character of the community, surrounding development or developments, and natural features of the area.
(2) Where nonresidential uses adjoin residentially zoned or used property outside the proposed PUD, noise reduction and visual landscape buffer areas such as landscape berms and/or decorative walls, shall be employed in accordance with § 152.329.
(3) The proposed PUD shall provide a minimum of 20% of the gross site acreage as open space. Gross site area for the purposes of computing required open space does not include private and public rights-of-way or detention/retention basins. Such open space will remain undisturbed and reserved for passive enjoyment of the users of the development and shall not include retention ponds or other bodies of water, required yards around residential building lots, or other similar features. This open space requirement may be waived by the Planning Commission and Village Council, if determined to be not applicable due to the type and character of development.
(4) Natural and historic features. The development shall be designed to promote the preservation of any significant natural or historic features on the site. Vegetation shall be preserved and/or new landscaping generously provided to ensure that proposed use will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding public and private property.
(F) Additional considerations. Deviations with respect to ordinance regulations may be granted as part of the overall approval of the PUD. The deviations may be considered, provided that there are features or elements demonstrated by the applicant and deemed adequate by the Planning Commission and Village Council and designed into the project plan for the purpose of achieving the objectives of this subchapter.
(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)
Application for PUD rezoning and approval shall be processed as follows:
(A) Pre-application conference. Prior to formal submission of an application for PUD approval, a meeting between the applicant and village staff shall be held to obtain guidance that will assist the applicant in preparation of the application and plan. The village shall charge a fee for the conference to cover administrative costs.
(B) PUD application submittal. The applicant shall prepare and submit a preliminary site plan of the proposed PUD to the village. A narrative report shall accompany the site plan providing a description of the project, discussion of the market concept of the project, and explanation of the manner in which the criteria set forth in the preceding design standards have been met. The preliminary site plan for the PUD shall contain at a minimum the following information:
(1) A completed PUD rezoning application and processing fee as established by Village Council.
(2) The plans and narrative shall provide all information required according to § 152.389, Preliminary Site Plan Application.
(3) The applicant shall also provide a project narrative which indicates the following information:
(a) An explanation of how the project meets the criteria set forth in § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria.
(b) An explanation of why the submitted PUD plan is superior to a plan that could have been prepared under strict adherence to related sections of this subchapter.
(c) A list of anticipated deviations from this chapter which would otherwise be applicable.
(C) Review process.
(1) Review for completeness. The Zoning Administrator shall review the preliminary PUD plan application submittal and determine if all the necessary information has been provided. A complete application must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least 15 business days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the proposal will first be considered.
(2) Distribution. The Zoning Administrator shall transmit the PUD application submittal and the Village Planner's report to the Planning Commission for review. The Zoning Administrator shall provide notice of the public hearing in accordance with the requirements of § 152.022(C).
(3) Public hearing and Planning Commission action. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Village Council to deny or approve, with or without conditions, the preliminary PUD plan. If no decision or recommendation is made at the advertised hearing, disposition of the case must be set to a date certain at that time, and this date must be clearly stated in the meeting minutes. If no certain date is set and duly noted in the public record, notice of the next meeting at which the case will be considered shall be provided. The Planning Commission shall make a decision or recommendation upon each case within 60 days of the public hearing, unless additional time is granted by the applicant.
(4) Village Council action. A summary of the Planning Commission recommendation and comments submitted at the public hearing shall be transmitted with the preliminary PUD application submittal and the Village Planner's report to the Village Council. The Village Council may hold additional public hearings if it considers it necessary. The Village Council shall make a decision upon each case within 60 days of the Planning Commission's recommendation or refer the proposal back to the Planning Commission for further consideration, unless additional time is granted by the applicant. The Village Council shall take one of the following actions:
(a) Approval. Upon finding that the preliminary PUD plan meets the criteria and standards set forth in § 152.230 et seq., the Village Council shall grant preliminary PUD approval. Approval shall constitute approval of the uses and design concept as shown on the preliminary PUD plan and shall confer upon the applicant the right to proceed through the subsequent PUD plan review phases.
(b) Approval with changes or conditions. The Village Council may recommend conditional approval subject to modifications as performed by the applicant as long as the PUD plan meets the criteria established in § 152.234.
(c) Denial. Upon finding that the preliminary PUD plan does not and cannot meet the criteria and standards set forth in § 152.234, the Village Council shall deny preliminary approval.
(5) Effective period of approval. The PUD plan approval shall remain valid for a period of two years. If a final plan is not submitted during that time frame, the PUD request becomes void. If a final plan is submitted during that time frame and is approved, the rezoning to PUD shall remain in effect until such time as the owner of the property involved requests a change to the zoning. The Village Council may approve extensions to the PUD rezoning of up to one year.
(6) Submittal of final PUD plan to the Planning Commission. If the preliminary PUD plan is approved by the Village Council, the applicant shall submit a final PUD plan for final PUD review and recommendation by the Planning Commission in accordance with § 152.391, Final Site Plan Application. This must be done during the validity period for the rezoning to a PUD as set forth in division (5) above. The Planning Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the project. If no action is taken because more information is required from the applicant, the Planning Commission shall table the agenda item to a date certain, which shall be specified in the meeting minutes. The applicant shall submit a revised plan to the Planning Commission addressing its concerns.
(7) Submittal of final PUD plan to Village Council. A summary of the Planning Commission recommendation shall be transmitted with the final PUD Plan submittal and the Village Planner's report to the Village Council. The Village Council shall take one of the following actions:
(a) Approval. Upon finding that the final plan meets the criteria and standards set forth in § 152.234, the Village Council shall grant final approval.
(b) Tabling. Upon finding that the final plan does not meet the criteria and standards set forth in § 152.234 but could meet such criteria if revised, the Village Council may table action until a revised final plan is resubmitted.
(c) Denial. Upon finding that the final plan does not and cannot meet the criteria and standards set forth in § 152.234, the Village Council shall deny final approval.
(8) All actions on the preliminary PUD plan or final PUD plan by the Planning Commission and the Village Council shall state the reasons for approval, conditional approval, postponement or denial within the body of the motion. Approval of the final PUD by the Village Council shall constitute amendment of the official zoning map. The applicant shall then be authorized to proceed with any necessary permits, such as final platting or construction submittals.
(9) Amendments. If the Planning Commission and/or Village Council determines that a proposed use or site plan is not consistent with the approved PUD, the applicant shall be directed to submit a request to amend the PUD following the same procedures outlined above.
(10) Change in ownership. An approve d PUD plan runs with the land, not with the lando wner. If the land is sold or other wise excha nged, the approve d PUD plan shall remai n in effect unless the applicant submi ts a request to amend or terminate the PUD plan.

(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)