§ 152.325 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter is to: enhance the appearance and value of the community, buffer conflicting land uses, minimize noise, air, light, soil and water pollution, divide large expanses of pavement, define and shade pedestrian and parking areas and encourage the preservation of natural vegetation and existing trees.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
§ 152.326 APPLICATION.
   No final site plan required by §§ 152.385 et seq. shall be approved unless it complies with all of the landscaping and screening standards set forth herein.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
   (A)   A separate, detailed landscape plan shall be submitted with any final site plan required by §§ 152.385 et seq.
   (B)   For the purposes of this subchapter, breast height shall be measured vertically along the main stem and shall be four and one-half feet above grade.
   (C)   The landscape plan shall be drawn at a scale in accordance with site plan general application standards found in § 152.388. The plans shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following items:
      (1)   Location and description of existing trees to be preserved, relocated or removed, including species and diameter at breast height. Trees to be preserved shall be clearly labeled “to remain” and tree protection measures shall be shown on the landscape plan;
      (2)   Location and description of trees and shrubs to be planted, including common name, species (deciduous or evergreen), root type (shallow or deep), height, diameter at breast height and size of root ball and/or container;
      (3)   Location and description of ground cover and method of planting (sod, plugs, sprigs or seeds);
      (4)   Location, dimensions and description of landscaped buffer areas, berms and landscape parking islands;
      (5)   The location and dimensions of walls, fences and outdoor dumpster enclosures including typical elevation and vertical sections showing height and materials;
      (6)   The location and dimensions of common open spaces and recreational areas, proposed improvements and maintenance provisions for the areas;
      (7)   Construction details to resolve specific site conditions, such as drainage, culverts, soil erosion control measures, walls and/or tree wells;
      (8)   Details in either text or drawing form to ensure proper installation and establishment of plant materials as prescribed by the American Nurseryman Standards; and
      (9)   Detailed description of the ongoing landscape maintenance program.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)
   (A)   Existing vegetation.
      (1)   Existing vegetation shall not be removed or disturbed until the Village of Pinckney has approved the required landscape plan, final site plan and land use permit.
      (2)   Existing, healthy, native vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum degree practical, especially trees eight inches or more in diameter at breast height.
      (3)   Planting requirements may be waived if the existing vegetation to be retained on the site meets or exceeds the standards set forth in this subchapter.
   (B)   Quality. Plant materials shall be of generally acceptable varieties and species, free from insects and diseases, hardy to southeast Michigan and shall conform to the current minimum standards of the American Association of Nurserymen.
   (C)   Composition.
      (1)   Plantings shall be clustered and staggered rather than situated in straight rows for interest and variety unless the placement is an integral part of a design element, such as an alley of trees.
      (2)   A mixture of plant materials is recommended as a protective measure against insect and disease infestation. However, a limited mix of hardy species is recommended rather than a large number of different species to produce a more cohesive and orderly design.
   (D)   Ground cover. All landscaped areas that do not contain trees, shrubs or planting beds shall be covered with living ground cover (including grass) and/or organic mulch. Stone or aggregate shall not be accepted as a ground cover. Ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantity to present a finished appearance within one growing season and shall not exceed 18 inches in height at maturity.
   (E)   Berms.
      (1)   Height. Berms shall be at least two and one-half feet in height and no more than five feet in height, as measured on the side of the proposed berm having the highest finished grade.
      (2)   Side slopes. Side slopes shall be no steeper than one vertical foot for every three horizontal feet, and shall be designed and planted to prevent erosion. Side slopes shall be planted with naturalized groupings as required for landscape buffers herein.
      (3)   Shape. Berms shall be constructed with a rounded surface at least two feet in width at the highest point and extending the length of the berm. In general, the shape of berms shall appear to be as natural as possible.
   (F)   Visibility at road intersections. All plant materials and structural landscape elements within a vision clearance area shall comply with § 152.261(E).
   (G)   Curb stops. A curb or wheelstop may be required along interior parking lot landscape islands, perimeter landscape strips and landscapes adjacent to road rights-of-way to prevent vehicles from damaging plants and structural landscape elements.
   (H)   Dumpsters. Dumpsters shall be located and screened in accordance with § 152.262(M).
   (I)   Inspection. It shall be the property owner or developer's responsibility to request a landscape inspection by the Zoning Administrator within ten to 14 months after land use permit approval, to assure full compliance with the approved site plan.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
   (A)   Application. On any site in a multiple-family residential or commercial use, a landscaped buffer area in compliance with this subchapter shall be provided as follows. A landscaped buffer area at least six feet in width shall be provided along all lot lines that abut a residential district or use.
   (B)   Design standards.
      (1)   The landscaped buffer area shall provide a visual screen that is at least six feet high and 80% opaque along its entire length. Compliance with this standard shall be determined based upon reasonably anticipated growth within three years of planting.
      (2)   At least 50% of the trees within the buffer area shall be evergreen.
      (3)   The landscaped buffer area shall be planted with one of the following:
         (a)   Existing vegetation in conformance with division (B)(1) above;
         (b)   Existing vegetation augmented with evergreen plantings;
         (c)   A solid hedge of evergreen trees and/or shrubs; and
         (d)   Naturalized groupings of plant materials, which contain a mixture of trees and shrubs.
   (C)   Additional screening. The Planning Commission may determine that additional screening is required to effectively buffer more intense or conflicting land uses. To achieve this objective the Planning Commission may, at its discretion, also require the following. A berm, wall and/or fence, in addition to the trees and shrubs required above.
   (D)   Walls and fences.
      (1)   Landscaped buffer walls and fences. Landscaped buffer walls and fences shall be:
         (a)   Located further from the lot line than the required landscaping, which shall be planted between the wall or fence and lot line;
         (b)   At least three feet in height but no more than six feet in height;
         (c)   Constructed of brick, stone, redwood, cedar, or No. 1 pressure-treated wood, vinyl or other materials approved by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator, but chain link fences shall not be permitted for screening purposes; and
         (d)   Otherwise in compliance with § 152.263(C).
      (2)   Ornamental fences. Fences of an ornamental nature shall be a maximum of 36 inches, provided that adequate vision clearance is provided, as required in § 152.261(E). Ornamental fences shall be constructed of a design including post and rail, picket, or other types, as approved by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator and materials including redwood, cedar, or No.1 pressure-treated wood, vinyl, iron, steel, brick, stone, or other materials approved by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator. The fences shall be in compliance with § 152.263(C).
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 124, passed 5-12-2014) Penalty, see § 152.999