The Secondary Business District (SBD) is intended to accommodate those business activities that typically require large areas of land, may generate a large volume of automobile traffic, may require large areas of off-street parking and are potential obstacles to an efficient, convenient neighborhood service or central business district.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
(A) Financial institutions with up to three drive-through facilities.
(B) Business offices, professional offices, medical or dental clinics and non-profit organization offices.
(C) Business support services.
(D) Photography, art and craft studios and galleries.
(E) Personal services.
(F) Adult foster small group homes (seven to 12 adults) and adult foster care large group homes (13 to 20 adults).
(G) Homes for the elderly and nursing homes.
(H) Public buildings and public parks.
(I) Elementary, middle and high schools.
(J) Child care centers.
(K) Bed and breakfast inns.
(L) Hotels and motels with no more than 20 guest rooms.
(M) Health clubs.
(N) Theaters.
(O) Taverns and nightclubs.
(P) Restaurants, standard.
(Q) Retail stores and retail food stores with not more than 15,000 square feet of floor area.
(R) Video rental establishments.
(S) Convenience stores without gasoline sales.
(T) Funeral homes.
(U) Laundromats and dry cleaners (does not include dry cleaning plants).
(V) Accessory uses customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
The following special land uses are permitted in the SBD District, subject to compliance with §§ 152.240 et seq.
(A) Adult foster care congregate facility (more than 20 adults);
(B) Retail stores with more than 15,000 square feet of floor area;
(C) Religious institutions;
(D) Vocational schools and higher education institutions;
(E) Private clubs;
(F) Restaurants, carry-out with open front service and walk-up windows;
(G) Restaurants, fast food;
(H) Farmers markets and produce stands;
(I) Landscape nurseries;
(J) Commercial indoor recreation;
(K) Commercial outdoor recreation, including golf courses;
(L) Recreation equipment rental;
(M) Vehicle service stations, vehicle repair services, vehicle dealerships and car washes;
(N) Commercial outdoor displays;
(O) Hospitals;
(P) Veterinary clinics;
(Q) Commercial kennels;
(R) Indoor self-storage facilities;
(S) Conference centers;
(T) Shopping centers;
(U) Public utility facilities;
(V) Changeable message signs;
(W) Buildings and other structures with a height exceeding the maximum allowed under § 152.183; and
(X) Outdoor storage lot for recreational vehicles.
(Y) Adult use marihuana establishments including: marihuana grower facility - Class A or B, marihuana microbusiness, marihuana retailer, marihuana safety compliance facility, and marihuana secure transporter facility, subject to the provision of Chapter 113, Miscellaneous Businesses Requiring a License; Title XI, Business Regulations, of this Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 134, passed 11-14-2016; Ord. 153, passed 12-14-2020)
(A) Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet.
(B) Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 66 feet, measured along the front lot line. For cul-de-sac and flag lots, the lot width may be measured along the front setback line.
(C) Yards and setbacks. The minimum yards and setbacks shall be as follows:
(1) Front yard. Structures shall be setback at least 25 feet from the front lot line.
(2) Side yard. The principal building may be constructed on the side lot line; however, the entire side yard shall total at least 15 feet in width. Where the side lot line abuts a residential district or residential use, the side yard shall be at least 20 feet in width.
(3) Rear yard. Structures shall be setback at least 20 feet from the rear lot line.
(D) Lot coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 50%.
(E) Structure height. No building shall be erected or altered to a height greater than two and one-half stories or 35 feet; whichever is less. No other structure shall be erected or altered to a height greater than 35 feet. (See § 152.267 for definitions of building height and structure height)
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005) Penalty, see § 152.999