(A) Public parks.
(B) Public buildings and public utility facilities.
(C) Elementary, middle and high schools.
(D) Cemeteries.
(E) Accessory uses customarily incidental and subordinate to permitted uses.
(F) Farmers markets and produce stands.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 118, passed 6-10-2013)
The following special land uses are permitted in the PL District, subject to compliance with §§ 152.240 et seq.:
(A) Religious institutions;
(B) Public swimming pools and golf courses;
(C) Commercial outdoor recreation;
(D) Public or private riding stables; and
(E) Telecommunication towers.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
(A) Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 11,000 square feet.
(B) Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 66 feet measured along the front lot line. For cul-de-sac and flag lots, the lot width may be measured along the front setback line.
(C) Yards and setbacks. The minimum yards and setbacks shall be as follows:
(1) Front yard. Structures shall be setback at least 30 feet from the road right-of-way.
(2) Side yards. Side yards shall conform to the side yard requirements of the abutting zoning district.
(3) Rear yards. Rear yards shall conform to the rear yard requirements of the abutting zoning district.
(D) Lot coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 35%.
(E) Structure height. No building shall be erected or altered to a height greater than two and one-half stories or 35 feet; whichever is less. No other structure shall be erected or altered to a height greater than 35 feet. (See § 152.267 for definitions of building height and structure height)
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005) Penalty, see § 152.999
(A) It is the purpose of this subchapter to allow flexibility in development which either includes a mix of land uses or is proposed for a site containing unique natural features which the developer and the village desire to preserve. The standards of this subchapter are intended to encourage innovative design and to create opportunities which may not be obtainable through the more rigid standards of the other zoning districts.
(B) The Planned Unit Development (hereinafter referred to in this subchapter as the “PUD”) standards are not intended to be used as a technique to circumvent the intent of this chapter, to avoid imposition of specific zoning ordinance standards, or the planning upon which this chapter is based. Thus, the provisions of this subchapter are designed to promote land use substantially consistent with recommendations of the village's master plan and the character of the surrounding area, with modifications and departures from generally applicable requirements made to provide the developer with flexibility in design on the basis of the total PUD plan approved by the village.
(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)
(A) A PUD may be applied for in any zoning district. The approval of a PUD application shall require a rezoning by way of amendment of this chapter upon the recommendation of the Village Planning Commission and approval of the Village Council. The process for PUD approval shall be in accordance with § 152.235. Notification and public hearing requirements shall be in accordance with § 152.460.
(B) Generally, proposed uses shall be consistent with the underlying zoning designation before application for PUD and the future land use map in the village master plan. However, it is recognized that the PUD option may allow mixed uses and flexibility in use. In this regard, mixed or different uses may be allowed as part of flexibility in use. In this regard, mixed or different uses may be allowed as part of a PUD application, provided that uses are consistent with the goals and objectives of the master plan and subject to adequate public health, safety, and welfare protection mechanisms, which are designed into the development to ensure the compatibility of varied land uses both inside and outside the development.
(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)