(A) The purpose of the Office District (O) is to provide a transitional land use between residential and more intensive commercial uses.
(B) The district is designed to protect the existing character of this area, and create a suitable and safe environment for compatible and sustainable commercial uses.
(C) Uses in this district are intended to have less of an impact on surrounding uses than auto-related commercial uses.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)
(A) Upper floor dwelling units, provided adjacent nonresidential uses, have a separate entrance and sanitary facilities;
(B) Dwelling, single-family;
(C) Business offices, professional offices, medical or dental offices and non-profit organization offices;
(D) Business support services;
(E) Photography, art, and craft studios and galleries;
(F) Personal services;
(G) Personal improvement schools;
(H) Farmers markets;
(I) Public buildings;
(J) Public Park;
(K) Elementary, middle, and high schools; and
(L) Accessory uses, customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)
The following special land uses are permitted in the Office District, subject to compliance with §§ 152.240 et seq.
(A) Adult foster care family home (one to six adults), subject to standards;
(B) Bed and breakfast inns;
(C) Convenience stores without gasoline sales;
(D) Daycare: family child care home (one to six children), subject to standards;
(E) Financial institution with up to three drive-through windows;
(F) Financial institution without drive-through facilities;
(G) Funeral home or mortuary;
(H) Home occupation;
(I) Laundromats and dry cleaners (does not include dry cleaning plants);
(J) Restaurants, standard;
(K) Theaters;
(L) Vehicle service stations;
(M) Veterinary clinics.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)