§ 152.210 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of the Office District (O) is to provide a transitional land use between residential and more intensive commercial uses.
   (B)   The district is designed to protect the existing character of this area, and create a suitable and safe environment for compatible and sustainable commercial uses.
   (C)   Uses in this district are intended to have less of an impact on surrounding uses than auto-related commercial uses.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)
   (A)   Upper floor dwelling units, provided adjacent nonresidential uses, have a separate entrance and sanitary facilities;
   (B)   Dwelling, single-family;
   (C)   Business offices, professional offices, medical or dental offices and non-profit organization offices;
   (D)   Business support services;
   (E)   Photography, art, and craft studios and galleries;
   (F)   Personal services;
   (G)   Personal improvement schools;
   (H)   Farmers markets;
   (I)   Public buildings;
   (J)   Public Park;
   (K)   Elementary, middle, and high schools; and
   (L)   Accessory uses, customarily incidental and subordinate to a permitted use.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)
   The following special land uses are permitted in the Office District, subject to compliance with §§ 152.240 et seq.
   (A)   Adult foster care family home (one to six adults), subject to standards;
   (B)   Bed and breakfast inns;
   (C)   Convenience stores without gasoline sales;
   (D)   Daycare: family child care home (one to six children), subject to standards;
   (E)   Financial institution with up to three drive-through windows;
   (F)   Financial institution without drive-through facilities;
   (G)   Funeral home or mortuary;
   (H)   Home occupation;
   (I)   Laundromats and dry cleaners (does not include dry cleaning plants);
   (J)   Restaurants, standard;
   (K)   Theaters;
   (L)   Vehicle service stations;
   (M)   Veterinary clinics.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011)
   The following standards shall apply to all uses and structures in the Office District unless otherwise modified by the provisions of §§ 152.240 et seq., §§ 152.260 et seq., §§ 152.415 et seq. or §§ 152.440 et seq.
   (A)   Lot area. The minimum lot area shall be 8,712 square feet (one-fifth acre).
   (B)   Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 66 feet, measured along the front lot line. For cul-de-sac and flag lots, the lot width may be measured along the front setback line.
   (C)   Yards and setbacks. The minimum yards and setbacks shall be as follows:
      (1)   Front yard. Structures shall be setback at least 20 feet from the road;
      (2)   Side yard. Structures shall be setback at least six feet from a side lot line. Except for corner lots, the interior side yard shall be at least six feet in width, and the street side yard shall be at least 20 feet in width; and
      (3)   Rear yard. Structures shall be setback at least 20 feet from the rear lot line.
   (D)   Lot coverage. Lot coverage shall not exceed 40%.
   (E)   Structure height. No building shall be erected or altered to a height greater than two and a half stories or 35 feet; whichever is less. No other structure shall be erected or altered to a height greater than 35 feet. (See § 152.267 for definitions of BUILDING HEIGHT and STRUCTURE HEIGHT).
   (F)   Off-street parking and loading. To allow for design flexibility in the office, the Planning Commission may waive or modify the requirements of §§ 152.280 et seq. upon finding that all of the criteria in § 152.281(B) are met.
   (G)   Compliance required. Uses and structures shall comply with all other provisions of this chapter, including §§ 152.240 et seq. through §§ 152.415 et seq. and all other applicable federal, state, and local codes and ordinances.
   (H)   Access. New curb cuts are prohibited and closure of existing curb cuts is recommended. Exceptions will be considered if vehicle access is required and not otherwise possible.
   (I)   Architectural standards. Architectural standards for approval include the following items: rooflines and cornices, fenestration and brackets, shape and style of windows, shape, and style of lights within windows, colors, and finish materials. Exterior building materials shall employ a variety of textures and colors and window and door details. Desirable materials include brick, stone (natural and cast), wood siding, and glass. Exterior materials that should not be used n large applications, but can be used as detail material or as a small application include EIFS (exterior insulation and finishing system), vinyl siding, asphalt or metal siding, composite fiberglass and reflective glass. Review of architectural concepts, colors, and materials will be part of the site plan review.
   (J)   All new buildings shall have at least one pedestrian entrance on the front. Rear or side entrances should be provided where parking is on the side or rear of the building.
   (K)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on premises where produced.
   (L)   All business, servicing, or processing, except for loading, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
   (M)   Exterior walls facing public rights-of-way, customer-parking areas, and adjoining property that is zoned or used for residential purposes shall have a finished appearance, using the same materials as used on the front of the building. Wherever possible, meter boxes, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment should be screened on a side of the building that faces residentially zoned or used property, or mounted and screened on the roof.
(Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011; Ord. 139, passed 9-11-2017)
§ 152.220 PURPOSE.
   It is the purpose of the Public Lands (PL) District to provide sufficient land for public buildings and uses and to encourage the development of attractive public spaces that are conducive to community interaction, recreation and services.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
   (A)   Public parks.
   (B)   Public buildings and public utility facilities.
   (C)   Elementary, middle and high schools.
   (D)   Cemeteries.
   (E)   Accessory uses customarily incidental and subordinate to permitted uses.
   (F)   Farmers markets and produce stands.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 118, passed 6-10-2013)
   The following special land uses are permitted in the PL District, subject to compliance with §§ 152.240 et seq.:
   (A)   Religious institutions;
   (B)   Public swimming pools and golf courses;
   (C)   Commercial outdoor recreation;
   (D)   Public or private riding stables; and
   (E)   Telecommunication towers.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)