§ 152.233 DENSITY.
   (A)   Residential uses.
      (1)   All residential uses may be permitted with the following minimum lot sizes per unit, based upon a discretionary 25% density credit from the zoning district in which the property is situated immediately prior to classification under this subchapter. In the event that the property is already zoned PUD, density shall be allowed at the discretion of the Village Planning Commission and Village Council, based on the master plan and surrounding land use densities and character. Land area under water, public road rights-of-way, and private road easements shall not be included in the gross density calculation.
Minimum Residential Lot Sizes
PUD District
Minimum Lot Size
per Unit
16,335 square feet
9,000 square feet
6,534 square feet
6,534 square feet
      (2)   Additional density greater than specified above may be allowed depending on the type and character of the development at the discretion of the Planning Commission and Village Council based upon a demonstration by the applicant of design excellence and conformance to the standards listed in § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria, as well as conformance to the master plan.
   (B)   The Planning Commission and Village Council may allow a residential PUD in areas having a nonresidential base zoning subject to compliance with the master plan or a determination by the Planning Commission and Village Council that the proposed development meets the general intent of § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria.
   (C)   A planned unit development incorporating nonresidential uses, such as commercial, institutional or a mix of nonresidential and residential uses, may also be allowed subject to compliance with the master plan or a determination by the Planning Commission and Village Council that the proposed development meets the general intent of § 152.232, Eligibility Criteria.
(Ord. 150, passed 10-12-2020)