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Pinckney Overview
Pinckney, MI Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Compliance required. All uses that provide drive-through facilities for serving customers within their automobiles shall provide adequate off-street stacking space within a defined drive-through lane.
   (B)   Dimensions. Each drive-through lane and stacking space shall be at least ten feet in width. Each stacking space shall be 20 feet in length.
   (C)   Minimum stacking spaces. The minimum number of stacking spaces in each drive-through lane shall be as follows. Stacking spaces shall be in addition to the space at the service window.
Land Use
Stacking Spaces Per Service Lane
Bank, pharmacy, dry cleaner or similar use
Fast food restaurant
Self service car wash
3 at entry + 1 at exit
Automatic car wash
6 at entry + 2 at exit
   (D)   Design standards.
      (1)   Clear identification and delineation between the drive-through and parking areas shall be provided. Drive-through facilities shall be designed in a manner that protects pedestrian and vehicular safety.
      (2)   All drive-through facilities shall provide a bypass lane that allows vehicles to pass those waiting to be served and exit the premises.
      (3)   No vehicle stacking areas shall cross any maneuvering lane, drive, sidewalk or public right-of-way.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021) Penalty, see § 152.999
§ 152.300 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to regulate the location, size, construction, and manner of display of signs and outdoor advertising in order to minimize their harmful effects on the public health, safety, and welfare. While this subchapter recognizes that signs and outdoor advertising are necessary to promote commerce and public information, failure to regulate them may lead to poor identification of individual businesses, deterioration and blight of the business and residential areas of the village, conflicts between different types of land use, and reduction in traffic safety to pedestrians and motorists.
   (B)   To achieve its intended purpose, this subchapter has the following objectives:
      (1)   To prevent the placement of signs in a manner that will conceal or obscure signs or adjacent businesses;
      (2)   To keep the number of signs and sign messages at the level reasonably necessary to identify a business and its products;
      (3)   To keep signs within a reasonable scale with respect to the buildings they identify;
      (4)   To reduce visual distraction and obstructions to motorists traveling along, entering, or leaving streets;
      (5)   To promote a quality manner of display which enhances the character of the village;
      (6)   To prevent the proliferation of temporary signs which might promote visual blight; and
      (7)   To eliminate the potential for any adverse affects on the neighboring properties.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Am. Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023)
§ 152.301 PERMITS.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful to display, erect, relocate, or alter any sign without obtaining a sign permit, except otherwise noted within this subchapter.
   (B)   A permit fee shall be paid in accordance with the schedule adopted by the Village Council.
   (C)   A permit shall be issued by the Zoning Administrator only if the proposed sign meets all requirements of this subchapter.
   (D)   When a sign permit has been issued by the village, it shall be unlawful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise deviate from the terms or conditions of said permit without prior approval of the Zoning Administrator. A written record of such approval shall be entered upon the original permit application and maintained in the files of the village.
   (E)   The application for a sign permit shall be made by the owner or tenant of the property on which the sign is to be located, or his or her authorized agent or sign contractor. Such applications shall be made in writing on forms furnished by the village and shall be signed by the applicant.
   (F)   The application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by the following plans and other information:
      (1)   The name, address, and telephone number of the owner or persons entitled to possession of the sign and of the sign contractor or erector;
      (2)   The location by street address of the proposed sign structure;
      (3)   A plot plan showing the full dimensions of the sign, proposed copy and graphics, and the location of the sign in relationship to all lot lines, structures, easements, rights-of-way, and the edge of road and parking lot pavement;
      (4)   Elevation and detail drawings showing colors and materials to be used, and clearly demonstrating compliance with all of the standards in this subchapter; and
      (5)   Any sign that uses electricity shall require an electrical permit from the County Building Department, regardless of size.
   (G)   Expiration. Sign permits shall become null and void if the work for which the permit was issued is not completed within six months of the date of issue.
   (H)   Maintenance. No permit shall be required for the routine repair, servicing, cleaning, or repainting of an existing sign message.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 82, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999
   The following signs are permitted in all districts without a sign permit, provided no sign shall be located within a public right-of-way, except as noted, or located in a manner that distracts or obstructs the vision or movement of motorists or pedestrians.
   (A)   Name and address signs. Nameplates containing only a resident's name and address, and not exceeding two square feet in size.
   (B)   Directional signs. On-premise directional signs which indicate the direction of pedestrian or vehicular traffic flow on private property. Directional signs shall not exceed two square feet in size and six feet in height, shall contain no advertising, and may be illuminated.
   (C)   Ingress and egress signs. One sign is permitted at each point of ingress and one sign is permitted at each point of egress. The signs shall not exceed two square feet in area and two feet in height, and shall be setback at least five feet from the road right-of-way.
   (D)   Street numbers.
   (E)   Placards. No hunting, no fishing, no trespassing signs unless less than two square feet in area and spaced no less than 100 feet apart.
   (F)   Landmark and historical markers. If a structure within the village has been designated as a state historical site or listed in the National Register of Historic Places, then a marker designating that fact, obtained from the appropriate state or federal agency, shall be permitted in addition to any other sign or signs which may lawfully be placed on the structure or the property on which the structure is located.
   (G)   Interior signs. Signs in the interior of a building, with the exception of window signs.
   (H)   Structural information signs. Names of buildings, dates of erection, monument citations, commemorative tablets, and the like, when carved into stone, concrete, or similar material or made of other permanent type construction and made an integral part of the structure.
   (I)   Any sign that is not visible from a street, other public place, or an adjacent property including, signs placed inside a structure or building that are not visible or legible through windows or building openings.
   (J)   Flags on a permanent flagpole.
   (K)   Any sign erected and maintained by any government agency on public property or within the public right of-way for the purpose of directing, managing or regulating traffic is exempt from the provisions of this subchapter. Such signs include, but are not limited to, street signs, traffic signals, traffic safety signs, speed limit signs, city entry/welcome signs, neighborhood identification signs, and directional signs.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 72, passed 4-4-2006; Ord. 75, passed 11-13-2006; Ord.82, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999
   The following signs are prohibited in all districts, unless otherwise provided for in this subchapter:
   (A)   Any sign constructed, maintained, or altered in a manner not in compliance with this subchapter;
   (B)   Billboards;
   (C)   Roof signs;
   (D)   Beacons, strings of lights, pennants, spinners, or streamers used for commercial purposes;
   (E)   Signs containing flashing, intermittent, or moving lights, or signs with moving or revolving parts, or reflecting parts which may distract drivers;
   (F)   Signs which imitate traffic signals, traffic direction signs, or similar traffic control devices, and signs which make use of words including but not limited to "stop," "look," "danger," or any other words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse traffic;
   (G)   Any sign that, by reason of the location, shape, color, or movement, may obstruct the view of or be confused with any official traffic sign, signal, or control device;
   (H)   Signs affixed to trees, rocks, shrubs, or similar natural features, except signs denoting a site of historic significance;
   (I)   Signs other than those erected by a public agency which are located within or overhang the public right-of-way or on public property, unless otherwise specified herein;
   (J)   Temporary signs mounted upon trucks, vans, or other wheeled devices. Signs permanently painted on or otherwise permanently displayed upon a vehicle, licensed and operating on the public streets and highways, identifying the owner's occupation or livelihood, shall be permitted;
   (K)   Any sign or sign structure which constitutes a hazard to public health and safety due to inadequate maintenance;
   (L)   Any sign affixed to a light standard except for government agency signs authorized under § 152.302(K).
   (M)   Any sign unlawfully installed, erected, or maintained.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 75, passed 11-13-2006; Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   General.
      (1)   All signs should be made of high-quality materials and design.
      (2)   Signs shall be in harmony and consistent with the architecture of the building and relate to the features of the building.
      (3)   The design shall be consistent with the character of the surrounding area.
      (4)   The sign shall not be a nuisance to any residential uses.
   (B)   Location.
      (1)   All signs must advertise a business or service on the premises upon which the sign is located and to which the sign is accessory, unless otherwise specified herein.
      (2)   No sign, or portion thereof, shall be closer than four feet to any electric light pole, street lamp, or other public utility pole or standard.
      (3)   No sign, or portion thereof, shall be closer than 13 feet to any electrical conductor without proof of approval by the public utility company.
      (4)   No sign shall obstruct any opening required for building ventilation.
      (5)   No sign shall impede free entry or exit through any door, window, or fire escape.
      (6)   No sign shall be located in, project into, or overhang a public road right-of-way without the approval of the controlling government agency and the Village Council.
      (7)   No sign shall in any way obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or the view in any direction at a road intersection. The applicant shall submit proof of compliance with this standard from the applicable road agencies.
   (C)   Illumination.
      (1)   No sign shall be illuminated by other than electrical means.
      (2)   The light from illuminated signs shall be directed and shielded in a manner that will not interfere with vehicular traffic or the enjoyment and use of adjacent properties.
      (3)   No sign may be erected which flashes, rotates, or has moving parts.
      (4)   Internal illumination shall be permitted under the following circumstances:
         (a)   Individual back-lit letters which are silhouetted against softly illuminated walls;
         (b)   Individual letters with translucent faces, containing soft lighting elements inside each letter; and/or
         (c)   Metal-faced box signs with cut-out letters and soft-glow fluorescent tubes.
      (5)   Only indirectly illuminated signs shall be allowed in any residential district.
      (6)   Internally-illuminated plastic signs with dark-colored detachable letters shall be strictly prohibited in all districts.
      (7)   Gas-filled light types (fluorescent) shall be allowed for indirect illumination and when placed in such a manner that the tubes are not exposed to view from any point along the roadway or sidewalk.
      (8)   Rear-illuminated (backlit) awnings are prohibited.
   (D)   Safety.
      (1)   All signs shall be erected in compliance with all applicable building codes, and other applicable ordinances governing construction within the village. In the event of conflict between this section and other laws, the most restrictive shall govern.
      (2)   All signs shall be so placed as to not interfere with the visibility or effectiveness of any official traffic sign or signal, driver vision or pedestrian movement on any public sidewalk.
      (3)   No sign shall be erected, relocated, or maintained so as to obstruct firefighting or prevent free access to any door, window, or fire escape.
      (4)   Corner clearance. Signs higher than 30 inches shall be prohibited in the triangular area formed at the intersection of any two street right-of-way lines (existing or proposed) by a straight line drawn between said right-of-way lines at a distance along each line of 25 feet from their point of intersection. No sign shall be located in that area, or project into, or overhang into the area.
      (5)   Every sign and sign structure shall be maintained in a safe condition, in compliance with all applicable building and electrical codes and this Code, including adequate protection against corrosion. If at any time the Zoning Administrator determines that a sign or sign structure constitutes a dangerous structure, the Zoning Administrator may require immediate action to mitigate the danger, including demolition of the sign or sign structure.
      (6)   A sign or sign structure that is broken, torn, bent, has a broken, bent, or damaged support, or is not reasonably level and plumb shall be repaired or reinstalled in a manner prescribed by the Zoning Administrator.
      (7)   A sign or sign structure shall not have more than 20% of its area covered with disfigured, cracked, rippled, or peeling material or paint for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.
      (8)   A sign shall not have weeds, vines, or other vegetation growing upon it in a manner that obstructs the view of the sign for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.
      (9)   An illuminated sign shall not remain partially illuminated with a failed light source for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.
      (10)   A sign structure now or hereafter existing which no longer contains a sign shall be removed.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 95, passed 6-28-2010; Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   Signs for outdoor sales of automobiles or vehicles. Permits are not required for automobile or vehicle sales subject to the following. No person shall place a sign on a motor vehicle offered for sale or trade except as follows:
      (1)   Properly licensed auto dealerships and properly licensed used car lots may place signs on motor vehicles located on the dealership lot. Banners and flags are prohibited.
      (2)   The owner of a motor vehicle may place a sign on or within the vehicle provided:
         (a)   The vehicle is located only on the vehicle owner's residential property; and
         (b)   Not more than one vehicle with a sign is displayed on the residential property.
         (c)   The owner of a non-residential property may place or allow to be placed a sign on or within the vehicle provide that not more than one vehicle is displayed on the nonresidential property.
   (B)   Time-temperature-date devices. Clocks and thermometers may be incorporated in to any sign provided such device does not exceed nine square feet.
   (C)   Menuboard signs for drive-in and drive-through businesses.
      (1)   The Planning Commission, in its sole discretion, may approve up to two menuboards upon determination that they are integral to the nature of the business.
      (2)   Each menuboard shall not exceed seven feet in height.
      (3)   One menuboard (in stacking lane) shall not exceed 16 square feet and the other (at the speaker) shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
      (4)   The area of the menuboard is exclusive of the structure's framing.
      (5)   All menuboards shall be single-sided.
      (6)   No menuboard may be located within the required front yard and between 20 and 40 feet from any parcel perimeter.
      (7)   Only up to four square feet of the menuboard shall include digital/electronic signage.
      (8)   The Planning Commission may consider a modified sign area, subject to the following:
         (a)   Only one of the menuboards may be increased in area;
         (b)   The menuboard is completely screened from the roadway; and
         (c)   Under no circumstances shall the menuboard exceed 48 square feet in area.
   (D)   Off-premise directional signs. Off-premise directional signs directing vehicular traffic to a church, governmental building, public parks and recreational facilities, public hospitals, or educational institutions may be permitted in all districts subject to the following standards:
      (1)   No more than two signs per use shall be permitted.
      (2)   The size of an off-premise directional sign shall not exceed two square feet in size.
      (3)   The height of an off-premise directional sign shall be no less than three feet nor exceed six feet. However, variations in height may be granted to accommodate vehicular visibility to avoid obstruction to visibility.
      (4)   Illumination shall not be permitted.
      (5)   Permission of the property owner where the proposed sign is to be located or a right-of-way permit from the applicable road agency must be provided.
   (E)   Interior window signs.
      (1)   Window sign means any sign, excluding the posting of hours of operation and/or street and building address, which is painted or mounted onto a window pane, or which is hung directly inside the window with the purpose or effect of identifying any premises from the sidewalk or street.
      (2)   Window signs shall not exceed more than 30% percent of each window area in which they are displayed.
      (3)   Non-temporary signs hung inside windows shall be made of clear materials, including but not limited to transparent plastic, with lettering painted or attached to them, with all hours of operation, credit card and address signs being exempt.
      (4)   Window signs do not require sign permits, nor count in the calculation of total building signage permitted.
      (5)   Permanent and/or illuminated window signs require a permit and application.
   (F)   Mural signs. When a mural or graphic includes identification of an establishment or specific services, goods or products, or a representation of the types of services, goods, or products provided on the site, the mural area will count towards the total permitted wall sign area. Murals are subject to special land approval and the following standards:
      (1)   No mural may be placed on any building or structure that includes nonconforming signs.
      (2)   Only one wall, façade, or surface of a building or structure may be used for a mural.
      (3)   A wall, façade, or surface that is used for a mural pertaining to the business on which it is located shall be counted as one sign. A mural will count towards the total wall signage allowed for the business; however, the Planning Commission in its sole discretion may permit murals of larger size. Larger murals shall be permitted when determined to demonstrate at least one of the following:
         (a)   Accentuates the historic features of the building;
         (b)   Masks an unattractive building façade;
         (c)   Creates an aesthetically pleasing amenity; or
         (d)   Superior in aesthetics to an attached wall sign.
      (4)   The owner of record of the building or structure on which the proposed mural is to be placed shall, in writing, consent to the placement of said mural on the property, and shall agree to restore the wall, façade, or surface upon which the mural is placed to its prior existing condition if and at such time the mural is not maintained by the applicant. The permit application shall include a statement detailing the applicant's plans for the maintenance of the mural.
      (5)   In the review of the special land use, the Planning Commission shall grant approval only if the following criteria are met:
         (a)   The placing of the proposed mural at the location selected by the applicant would not constitute a significant traffic safety hazard.
         (b)   Neither the mural, nor the placement of the mural, would endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare.
         (c)   Neither the mural, nor the placement of the mural, would be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity of the proposed location.
   (G)   Electronic message signs include any sign that utilizes computer-generated messages or some other electronic means of changing copy. These signs include displays using incandescent lamps, LEDs, and LCDs. Electronic message signs shall only be permitted to be incorporated in a freestanding sign within the SBD (Secondary Business District) subject to the following:
      (1)   No such sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.5 foot candles above ambient light at a residential lot line or one foot candle at a nonresidential lot line.
      (2)   No such sign shall display an illuminative brightness of such intensity or brilliance that it impairs the vision or endangers the safety and welfare of any pedestrian, cyclist, or person operating a motor vehicle.
      (3)   Each sign shall have a functioning ambient light monitor and automatic dimming equipment.
      (4)   No electronic message sign shall be located within 50 feet of the driving surface of a signalized intersection except for the sole purpose for the display of gas prices.
      (5)   The transition or change sequence of any image or display of an electronic message sign shall appear instantaneous as perceived by the human eye without any special effects. Such sign shall not exhibit any characteristics of a moving or flashing sign as defined herein.
      (6)   Electronic message signs shall not change more than once per minute.
      (7)   Each electronic message shall be complete in itself and shall not continue on a subsequent message.
      (8)   No such sign shall resemble or simulate any warning or danger signal, or any official traffic control device, sign, signal or light or have the brilliance or intensity that will interfere with any official traffic sign, device or signal.
      (9)   All electronic message signs must be a minimum of 100 feet from any residential structure and the changeable copy portion of the sign shall be turned off or have a static (non-changing) display between the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
      (10)   No electronic message sign shall be permitted to operate unless it is equipped to default to an unlit black screen when more than 50% of its light source fails or its light sources otherwise are not displaying normally.
      (11)   An electronic message sign shall not include any audio message or audible sound.
   (H)   Entranceway sign. A sign that identifies the name of a residential subdivision or development located at the main entranceways to the subdivision or development is permitted with the approval of the Planning Commission. At the Planning Commission's discretion, a decorative masonry entranceway structure shall be permitted to be located either within a boulevard of a street leading into the residential development or upon a private easement granted to a subdivision association (or similar perpetual entity) pertaining to property near the entrance to the development. The subdivision association (or similar entity) shall have the responsibility for maintaining the entranceway structure and sign. Such structure shall comply with applicable corner clearance requirements; shall, if located within a boulevard, be set back at least 12 feet measured from the extended right-of-way line of the street perpendicular to the boulevard; and shall not exceed six feet in height without approval of the Planning Commission. An agreement providing for the maintenance of the structure in recordable form satisfactory to the Village Attorney shall be furnished prior to erection of the structure.
(Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999
   (A)   General requirements.
      (1)   Two ground signs shall be permitted per premise which has frontage on two public roads. One sign shall not exceed the area requirements set forth herein. The second sign shall not exceed 50% of the area requirements set forth herein.
      (2)   A ground sign shall have a setback of five feet from a public road right-of-way and a setback distance equal to the height of the sign from all other property boundaries.
      (3)   Height. The height of a ground sign shall be computed as the vertical distance from the base of the sign at normal grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Normal grade shall be construed to be the lower of:
         (a)   Existing grade prior to construction; or
         (b)   The newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding, or excavating solely for the purposes of locating the sign.
      (4)   Area. Area of the sign shall include the total area within any circle, triangle, rectangle or other geometric shape enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem or any similar figure, together with any frame or other material forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such sign from the background against which it is placed, and is further calculated as follows:
         (a)   Single face sign. One square foot per one linear foot of road frontage, total not to exceed the total maximum area per side as listed in Table 2 below.
         (b)   Multi-faced signs. One square foot per one linear foot of road frontage, total not to exceed the total area maximum as listed in Table 2 below.
   (B)   Multiple tenants. One ground sign stating the name of a business center and major tenants therein may be erected for a shopping center, office park, industrial park or other integrated group of stores, commercial buildings, office buildings or industrial buildings in the CBD, SBD and RTO Districts. The sign area shall not exceed 50 square feet in total area. Such signs may be up to eight feet in height. If the lot fronts on two or more collector or arterial streets, one such sign may be permitted for each frontage.
   (C)   Specific requirements. Ground signs shall be permitted by district in accordance with the following requirements.
Single Faced Sign; Per Side (max)
Total Max Area Two or More Faced
8 feet
25 square feet
50 square feet
ROB and O
5 feet
18 square feet
36 square feet
RTO and PL
8 feet
16 square feet
32 square feet
R1, R2, R3, R4
4 feet
6 square feet
12 square feet
   (D)   Signs requiring special land use approval. The Planning Commission may consider a sign that is greater than the maximum height and area requirements or less than the minimum setback requirements as a special land use. In review of a special land use, the Planning Commission shall consider the standards set forth in § 152.240 and the following:
      (1)   The standards set forth in §§ 152.301 and 152.304;
      (2)   The size, shape, and topography of the property;
      (3)   The relationship of the sign to neighboring properties and signs; and
      (4)   The relationship to and visibility from the public street where the property is located.
(Ord. 107, passed 12-12-2011; Ord. 173, passed 12-11-2023) Penalty, see § 152.999