The purpose of this subchapter is to regulate the physical layout of land uses, structures and improvements, in order to specifically address potential development impacts on a site and surrounding property, including impacts on: natural resources, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, infrastructure and services, adjacent lots, the local economy, the social and cultural environment, public health, safety and welfare and the character of future development.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005)
(A) Administrative authority. The Zoning Administrator shall:
(1) Have the authority to approve a plot plan for the following:
(a) Any change in the use of an existing lot or structure to another permitted use that does not require site plan approval under § 152.387. The use change will be subject to all other applicable zoning provisions, such as parking and landscaping;
(b) Any construction or alteration of a structure that does not require site plan approval under § 152.387, including a single-family dwelling, addition to a single family dwelling, or customary accessory structure, located on a single-family residential lot; and
(c) Provision of additional parking, loading/unloading spaces, and landscape improvements as required by ordinance;
(2) Notify the Planning Commission at the next available, regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of all plot plans that have been approved by the Zoning Administrator. When referred by the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission may determine that a plot plan must be reviewed as a regular site plan in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The Zoning Administrator may also refer a plot plan eligible for administrative recommendation to Village Council; and
(3) Be authorized to employ the Village Planner, Engineer or other experts to assist in the review of the plot plan submitted under this section.
(B) Application information. All applications for plot plan review shall include the following:
(1) A village application form for a land use permit;
(2) The established fee as determined by the Village Fee Schedule; and
(3) A plot plan including the information required for a preliminary site plan in § 152.389 (D) (1) through (15). The applicant shall submit one copy of the plot plan on either a 24-inch by 36-inch sheet, an 11-inch by 17-inch sheet, or an 8 ½ -inch by 11-inch sheet as determined by the Zoning Administrator unless referred to the Planning Commission or Village Council by the Zoning Administrator, in which case the applicant shall submit seven copies and an electronic copy.
(C) Review process.
(1) A complete plot plan and land use permit application shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to any site preparation (including clearing and grading) or construction and prior to application for a building permit from the building official.
(2) The Zoning Administrator shall review the plot plan application for completeness and verify its compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(3) The site shall be staked showing the property comers (prior to commencement of work).
(4) The site shall be staked for all structures to be constructed (prior to commencement of work).
(5) Upon approval, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a land use permit authorizing the commencement of work. (See also § 152.023)
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 91, passed 10-12-2009; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)
(A) Site plan review (preliminary and final site plans) by the Planning Commission shall be required for the following:
(1) Site plan review and approval is required for existing uses or structures where an alteration to the existing use or structure would result in any of the following conditions:
(a) Relocation of a structure, an increase of the floor area of at least 10% or 500 square feet, whichever is less, or a reduction in floor area;
(b) A use or structure is on a lot abutting a residential district or use;
(c) A requirement of a variance from the provisions of this chapter;
(d) Resurfacing of an off-street parking lot where construction activities would alter drainage properties, or the addition or replacement of the base or sub-grade; and
(e) Any change in use, or a development that could affect compliance with the standards set forth in this chapter.
(2) Site condominium projects; and
(3) Any use requiring a special land use permit.
(B) Preliminary site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(C) Upon approval of a preliminary site plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant may submit a final site plan in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Final site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission, except in the case of a final site plan for a residential open space development, condominium project, or other planned development for which Village Council shall approve or deny, following a review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 91, passed 10-12-2009; Ord. 139, passed 9-11-2017; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)
(A) Compliance required. No grading, filling, removal of trees or other vegetation, or construction of improvements shall commence for any development that requires site plan approval until the final site plan and land use permit have been approved by the village.
(B) Application information. All applications for site plan review shall include the following:
(1) Fee. The required application and escrow fees, as established by the Village Council in the Village Fee Schedule. No part of the application fee shall be refundable.
(2) Application form. Three completed copies of the village application form, which shall be signed by the property owner(s) and contain the following information:
(a) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant(s) and property owners(s);
(b) If the applicant is not the property owner(s), a notarized statement signed by the property owner(s) that the applicant is acting on the owner's behalf; and
(c) The legal description, tax identification number and address of the property.
(a) The applicant shall submit four individually folded copies of the site plan on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets and one digital copy. See Village Zoning Administrator for format details.
(b) The site plan shall be drawn to scale of not less than one inch = 20 feet for property under three acres and not more than one inch= 50 feet for sites three acres or more.
(c) Upon acceptance of the above referenced site plan, as complete for review by the Zoning Administrator, Village Planner, Village Engineer, Department of Public Works and Fire Marshal, the applicant shall submit at least ten additional copies of the site plan on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets.
(4) Proposed waivers. The preliminary and final site plan shall clearly indicate any proposed reductions in off-street parking, loading and/or landscaping standards, to be modified by the Planning Commission during site plan review.
(5) Additional information for final site plan review. Other items required for final site plan review are as follows:
(a) An impact assessment report as required by § 152.392, below, including a completed environmental permit checklist and hazardous substances reporting form, if applicable, supplied by the Zoning Administrator.
1. The Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission may waive or modify the impact assessment report requirements, or accept an impact assessment report previously submitted relative to the site and proposed development, at its discretion;
(b) Copies of any deed restrictions, easements, protective covenants, master deed or association bylaws affecting the site: and
(c) Proof that the final site plan has been submitted for review to all other agencies that regulate the proposed development including, but not limited to: the County Road Commission, Health Department, Building Department and Drain Commissioner and the Michigan Department of Transportation and Department of Environmental Quality.
(C) Submission. A complete application must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least 30 business days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the proposal will first be considered.
(D) Application flexibility. If deemed unnecessary to determine site plan compliance with the provisions of this chapter, the Zoning Administrator and Planning Commission may waive the submittal of information required in the following (sections):
(1) Section 152.388 (B) (general site plan);
(2) Section 152.389 (D) (preliminary site plan);
(3) Section 152.391 (final site plan); and
(4) Section 152.392 (Impact Assessment Report).
(E) Concurrent preliminary and final site plan review. If requested by the petitioner, preliminary and final site plan review may be conducted concurrently.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 72, passed 4-24-2006; Ord. 82, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 139, passed 9-11- 2017; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021; Ord. 160, passed 7-25-2022)
(A) Purpose. The purpose of preliminary site plan review is to confirm general compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, conformance with Village Technical Standards, and suggest changes, if necessary, prior to final site plan review.
(B) Pre-planning meeting. For all development other that an individual single family home, the proprietor and/or his/her authorized agent may at his /her own discretion request a planning meeting with village representatives to discuss project details prior to submittal of a preliminary site plan. The proprietor or his/her authorized agent assumes all costs associated with meeting attendees in accordance with the fee schedule.
(C) Preliminary site plan application and submittal. Preliminary site plan application and submittal shall be made in accordance with the general application standards in § 152.388.
(D) Preliminary site plan. Preliminary site plans shall contain the following information:
(1) Name, address and phone number of applicant(s) and property owner(s);
(2) Scale, north arrow, date of original drawing and date of each revision;
(3) Address, parcel identification number(s), legal description(s), and zoning district(s) of the site;
(4) Gross site area in acres and square feet;
(5) Location and length of all lot and/or property lines. All lot and/or property lines are to be shown in dimension including building setback lines (front, rear and side) and existing easements. A copy of title commitment or policy must be included;
(6) Significant natural features such as steep slopes, existing trees, floodplains, wetlands, lakes, ponds, rivers or creeks including ordinary high water mark(s);
(7) Location and dimensions of the following, both existing and proposed (clearly labeled existing or proposed):
(a) Structures;
(b) Sidewalks, curb cuts, driveways, parking areas and off-street parking spaces;
(c) Landscaping, greenbelts, separation berms, fences and walls;
(d) Signs;
(e) On-site wells and septic systems or public water and sewer hookups, as applicable;
(f) Outdoor waste, material and/or equipment storage areas;
(g) Dry wells;
(h) Open space recreation areas;
(i) Exterior lighting;
(j) Loading/unloading areas; and
(k) Curbing.
(8) Location and dimensions of all roads providing access and/or adjacent to the site (clearly labeled with the road name);
(9) Statistical data which shall include:
(a) The number of structures;
(b) The number of sub-units per structure;
(c) The size of each unit;
(d) The total area involved;
(e) Percentage of lot coverage.
(10) Principal building height;
(11) Existing grades and any topographical alterations or changes in natural terrain including drainage patterns shall also be shown;
(12) The vehicular and pedestrian circulation features within and adjacent to the development site;
(13) A topographic survey shall be signed and sealed by a Land Surveyor registered in the State of Michigan and be prepared in the State Plane Coordinate System using NAVD 88 as the vertical datum. Topographic survey shall extend 250 feet beyond the property lines locating all features. Soil boring locations shall be collected using survey grade equipment calibrated to the State Plane Coordinate System and shown on the survey. Elevations shall be provided by a Land Surveyor registered in the State of Michigan and be depicted on the soil boring logs. The soil boring logs shall show both the depth and the elevation of soil strata and groundwater.
(14) An area wide plan showing the following:
(a) The property lines of all adjacent parcels and other affected parcels;
(b) The location and height of all structures within 250 feet of the property boundary lines of the property being developed;
(c) Existing sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, watercourse centerlines, and natural features;
(d) Proposed utilities and their connection to existing utilities in plain view and clearly labeled, including rim elevations, invert elevations, pipe sizes, pipe directions and pipe lengths between structures;
(e) Enough information regarding existing and proposed sanitary sewer must be supplied to show that the proposed sanitary sewer would adequately service the required area. The sanitary sewer service area shall be determined by the Village Engineer or Qualified Village Agent;
(f) Outline of proposed detention and/or retention basins and proposed outflow location;
(g) Zoning, parcel identification numbers, and owner's name of each parcel for all properties shown on the plan;
(h) Existing contours and off-site drainage area delineations;
(15) Wetland compliance. Verify wetland compliance, if applicable, with the Village of Pinckney Wetland Ordinance.
(E) Additional information for special use permits. The detail of the specific uses of the project under consideration for a special use permit must be included and may become part of the permit. Alterations of the plans and concepts made after approval by the Planning Commission will constitute a change in the project and may require a complete renewal of the site plan process. The Village Zoning Administrator shall determine whether or not a change requires renewal of the site plan process.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)
(A) Review for completeness.
(1) The Zoning Administrator shall review the preliminary site plan application and determine if the application is complete and all of the necessary information has been provided in accordance with § 152.388 General Application.
(2) Preliminary site plan revisions. Any revisions that are required during the preliminary site plan review process will require the following: Preliminary site plan revisions submittal.
(a) Four 24" x 36" hard copy revised preliminary design drawings and one electronic copy in pdf format.
(b) Revised plans shall include and address all comments from the Village Planner and other Qualified Village Agent reviews.
(c) Payment of the plan review fees pursuant to the Village Fee Schedule.
(B) Distribution. Upon receipt of a complete application, the Zoning Administrator shall transmit the site plan and all accompanying materials to the Planning Commission and any other required parties prior to its next regular meeting. Transmittals shall not be made until all required information is submitted and the necessary fees have been paid in full. The Zoning Administrator shall also schedule consideration of the site plan as an item on the agenda at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
(C) Planning Commission action. At the first regular meeting at which a preliminary site plan is considered, the Planning Commission shall review the application and relevant issues. The Planning Commission shall then approve, approve with conditions or deny the preliminary site plan. The basis for the decision and any approval conditions shall be specified in the resolution and the meeting minutes and communicated to the applicant in writing. If no action is taken because more information is required from the applicant, the Planning Commission shall table the agenda item to a date certain, which shall be specified in the meeting minutes.
(D) Special land uses. In accordance with § 152.387, the Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary site plan submitted for a special land use permit after the required public hearing is conducted.
(E) Effect of approval. Approval of a preliminary site plan by the Planning Commission or Village Council, as the case may be, shall indicate its general acceptance of the proposed use, layout of buildings, roads and drives, off-street parking areas, other facilities and the overall character of the proposed development. Upon approval of a preliminary site plan, the applicant may submit a final site plan to the village in accordance with the requirements of § 152.391.
(F) Expiration of approval. Approval of a preliminary site plan shall be valid for one calendar year and shall then expire and be of no effect unless an application for final site plan approval is submitted to the Zoning Administrator within that time period. The applicant may extend preliminary site plan approval for one additional year upon written request to the Zoning Administrator and approval by the Planning Commission prior to the original expiration date. The Planning Commission may grant further extensions of preliminary site plan approval in accordance with the procedures noted herein upon a showing of good cause.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 83, passed 10-27-2008; Ord. 91, passed 10-12-2009; Ord. 139, passed 9-11-2017; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)
(A) Purpose. The purpose of final site plan review is to confirm compliance with all items and provisions of this chapter and conformance with Village Technical Standards. An impact assessment report may also be required (see § 152.392) at the discretion of the Planning Commission and/or Village Council.
(B) Final site plan application and submittal. Final site plan application and submittal shall be made in accordance with the general application standards in § 152.388, and:
(1) Final site plans shall be prepared by one of the following professionals registered in the state of Michigan: architect, civil engineer, landscape architect, or land surveyor and each set of the plans shall be signed and sealed by the engineer who has supervised the work.
(2) Final engineering drawings for all site improvements such as water and utility lines, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems, roads, drives and parking lots, retention ponds and other ponds or lakes, and retaining walls shall be approved by the Village Engineer.
(C) Final site plan. Final site plans shall contain the following information:
(1) General information:
(a) Name, address, phone number and seal of the professional registered in the State of Michigan responsible for preparing the plan;
(b) Scale, north arrow, date the plan was prepared and the date of each revision;
(c) Address, parcel identification number(s), legal description(s), and zoning district(s) of the site;
(d) Gross site area and net site area in acres and square feet;
(e) The location and length of all lot lines. Lot line dimensions and angles or bearings shall be based upon a boundary survey prepared by a Land Surveyor registered in the State of Michigan and shall correlate with the legal description;
(f) The relationship of the site to all surrounding lots within 250 feet, including land uses, zoning districts, lot lines, roads, driveways, easements, structures and natural features;
(g) General description of deed restrictions, if any;
(h) Detailed development phases;
(i) Notation of performance guarantees to be provided including amounts, types and terms; and
(j) Notation of any variances that have been or must be secured.
(k) All plans shall include a location map showing the surrounding area.
(l) The cover sheet shall have an index of all sheets and the individual sheets shall have proper matching lines or other key to provide reasonable continuity and orientation.
(m) The drawings shall contain sufficient detail to properly show the proposed information and the methods of construction.
(2) Natural features.
(a) Pre-development topography with contour lines at a minimum of one-foot intervals, and ground elevations of all existing buildings, drives and/or off-street parking lots;
(b) The direction of pre-development drainage flow, and the location of existing drainage courses, including lakes, ponds, rivers and streams and all elevations;
(c) Soil characteristics of the site, to at least the level of detail provided by the USDA Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Livingston County, Michigan; and
(d) Existing natural features such as trees, wooded areas, wetlands, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and floodplains including clear indication of natural features to remain and to be removed:
1. Trees measuring at least eight inches in diameter at breast height shall be clearly labeled. Groups of trees not proposed for removal may be shown by an approximate outline of the total canopy;
2. Wetland areas shall be delineated by a professional hydrologist, geologist, biologist, landscape architect or engineer trained in wetland delineation; and
3. The ordinary high water mark of a stream, river, lake or pond shall be verified by a Land Surveyor registered in the State of Michigan or any professional trained in wetland delineation listed above.
4. The property owner is responsible for clearly marking wetlands and ordinary high water marks on the ground by flagging or other means.
(3) Grading plan. A grading plan shall be provided in compliance with the Village Technical Standards.
(a) A grading plan showing finished contours at one-foot intervals, correlated with existing contours so as to clearly indicate cut and fill required.
(b) Location, dimensions and materials of retaining walls, fill materials, typical vertical sections and restoration of adjacent properties, where applicable.
(c) All finished contours must be connected to existing contour lines at or before the property lines.
(d) The areas to be left undisturbed during construction shall be so indicated on the site plan and shall be identified on the ground by use of snow fencing or silt fencing so as to be obvious to construction personnel.
(5) Structures. The location, area, height in feet and stories and use of all structures on the site, as well as:
(a) Setbacks from lot lines, existing and proposed public and private easements and rights-of-way, wetlands and waterways;
(b) Typical layout, elevation and floor area for each type of building;
(c) Distances between structures;
(d) Total percentage of lot coverage;
(e) Elevation drawings that illustrate building design, size, height, facade, windows and doors, construction materials and foundation plantings;
(f) For residential development, density calculations, number and types of dwelling units and floor area per dwelling unit;
(g) For nonresidential development, the number of offices and employees and typical floor plans and elevations; and
(h) The location, height and construction materials of all fences and walls, including elevation drawings.
(6) Roads and access. The location and dimensions of: curb cuts, public and private roads, drives, alleys, access easements, bicycle paths and sidewalks adjacent to and/or serving the development including the following as applicable:
(a) Centerline, right-of-way width and right-of-way expansion;
(b) Surface material and width;
(c) Acceleration, deceleration and passing lanes;
(d) Surface elevations and grades of entries and exits;
(e) Distance of curb cuts from intersections, angle of intersections and vision clearance area;
(f) Curve radii;
(g) Road names;
(h) A description of expected traffic volumes based upon national reference documents, such as the most recent volume of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual; and
(i) Proof of approval by the Village Engineer or Qualified Village Agent, Livingston County Road Commission and/or Michigan Department of Transportation, as applicable.
(7) Parking. The location and dimensions of vehicle parking lots, individual parking spaces and loading areas adjacent to and/or serving the development including:
(a) Total number of parking spaces listed in statistical data and shown on the site plan. If existing parking spaces will serve the proposed use, spaces must be clearly labeled "existing" and "proposed";
(b) Angle of parking spaces;
(c) Clearly marked handicap accessible parking spaces;
(d) Surface material;
(e) Landscaped islands, if any; and
(f) Loading spaces.
(8) Utilities. Existing and proposed essential public services and utilities including:
(a) On-site wells, septic tanks and drain fields. If on-site water and sewer facilities are to be used, a letter of approval of same, or a copy of the permit from the Livingston County Health Department shall be submitted prior to final site plan approval.
(b) Connections to public sewer and water supply. For sites served by sanitary sewer, calculations for pre- and post-development flows are required. Expected sewage rates shall be as provided in § 52.29. This should include sanitary pump stations if applicable. Connections to the water main shall be included.
(c) Stormwater drainage facilities. Storm water drainage facilities including roadside swales, retention and detention ponds clearly indicating side slopes, culverts, catch basins, size calculations, post-development drainage flow patterns and points of discharge. All storm sewer, detention, and retention basin design criteria shall be in accordance with the Livingston County Drain Commissioner's "Procedures and Design Criteria for Stormwater Management Systems and Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Programs" latest revisions thereof. A letter of approval of the proposed drainage system from the Livingston County Drain Commissioner shall be submitted prior to final site plan approval. A maintenance agreement for entire stormwater system must be included.
(d) Water, sanitary, storm utility details. The following shall be shown on sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main plans and profiles drawings as applicable:
1. Length of run, class and size of all proposed utilities, slope of all sanitary sewer and storm sewer pipe between manholes.
2. Top of casting elevations of all manholes, inlets, and/or catch basins etc. shall be shown in both plan and profile.
3. Porous backfill, special bedding and tunnel sections where applicable.
4. Invert elevations for all sanitary and storm sewer lines, for both existing and proposed sewers, shall be shown in both plan and profile.
5. Adjacent existing or proposed utilities plotted where parallel.
6. Other utilities crossing under or over proposed sewers or water mains.
7. Existing ground profile and proposed finished grade profile, including stationing, over all storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water mains, and finished grade of all proposed hydrants and valves.
8. Construction method (including but not limited to open cut, bore and jack, and directional drill).
(e) Hookups. Utility hookups (i.e. gas and electric).
(f) Surface equipment. Location of hydrants, electrical and telephone boxes, poles, towers and other surface equipment, communications towers, above ground and underground storage tanks.
(g) Drywell and/or utilization of no salt generation softeners.
(9) Soil erosion control. All work within the village requiring soil erosion and sedimentation control shall comply with the Livingston County "Procedures and Design Criteria for Stormwater Management Systems and Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Programs", latest revision.
(10) Signs. The location, height, area, illumination and content of all signs.
(11) Lighting. The location and specifications of exterior lighting fixtures and a photometric lighting plan.
(12) Waste storage. The size, location and description of any interior or exterior areas for storing, using, loading or unloading hazardous or polluting materials. A listing of types and quantities of hazardous and polluting materials that will be used or stored on-site.
(13) Proposed easements.
(D) Impact assessment report if required.
(E) The proprietor or his/her authorized agent shall prepare all applicable regulatory permit applications and secure signatures from the village as necessary prior to forwarding on the appropriate agencies. The typical required permits are as follows:
(1) Watermains. In addition to approval by the Village Engineer or Qualified Village Agent, watermains require the approval of the MDEQ and issuance of a construction permit by this state agency. The proprietor or his/her authorized agent shall secure a permit from MDEQ with plans signed and sealed by a civil engineer registered in the State of Michigan responsible for preparation of the plans. In addition, a tabulation of watermains by streets and easements which include their size, location, type, and length shall be prepared by the proprietor or his/her authorized agent. A minimum of 14 copies of the computations shall be submitted to the village with the final site plan submittal.
(2) Sanitary sewers. In addition to approval by the Village Engineer or Qualified Village Agent, sanitary sewer plans require the approval of the MDEQ and issuance of a construction permit by this state agency. The proprietor or his/her agent shall secure a permit from MDEQ with plans signed and sealed by a civil engineer registered in the State of Michigan responsible for the preparation of said plans. In addition, a tabulation of sanitary sewers by streets and easements which includes their size, location, type and length along with design flow computations for the proposed sewers and a tabulation of the capacities of the proposed sewers and the existing outfall sewer shall be submitted by the proprietor or his/her authorized agent. Fourteen copies of the computations shall be submitted to the village with the final site plan submittal.
(3) Road plans, storm sewers, retention basins and/or detention basins, paving, grading and soil erosion control and drywell plans. In addition to approval by the Village Engineer or Qualified Village Agent the above plans may require approval from Livingston County and/or MDOT. The proprietor or his/her authorized agent shall secure required permits on plans sealed by a civil engineer registered in the State of Michigan responsible for the preparation of said plans. In addition, all related design computations (traffic, volumes, storm flows, etc.) for the proposed plans and a tabulation of the capacities, if applicable, shall be submitted by the proprietor or his/her authorized agent.
(Ord. 37, passed 8-28-2005; Ord. 72, passed 4-24-2006; Ord. 82, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 98, passed 3-28-2011; Ord. 139, passed 9-11-2017; Ord. 154, passed 1-11-2021)