No oil burner shall be installed in any boiler, heater, range, or stove unless each boiler, heater, range, or stove is connected to a chimney complying with subchapter ten of this chapter, except for portable burners as prescribed in section 27-827 of this article.
Article 18: Refuse Disposal Systems
All new and existing refuse disposal systems shall be installed, altered and maintained in buildings in conformity with the applicable provisions of the administrative code, the air pollution control code and as follows.
(a) Charging chutes for refuse disposal system shall comply with applicable provisions of subchapter fifteen of this chapter.
(a) Semiautomatic incinerators. Semiautomatic incinerators shall be limited to capacities not exceeding one million seven hundred thousand Btu/hr. in other buildings. Semiautomatic incinerators may have manually operated grates, but shall have automatically operated flue gates, gas or oil burners with temperature controls, overfire air fans and nozzle system, emission control devices, and clock controlled cycles.
(b) Automatic incinerators. Automatic incinerators shall be required for capacities exceeding one million seven hundred thousand. They are optional for smaller capacities. Automatic incinerators shall have power operated grates, and automatically operated flue gates, gas or oil burners with temperature controls, overfire and underfire air fans and nozzle system, emission control devices and clock controlled cycles.