The clearances required in section 27-805 of this article may be reduced when the exposed combustible construction is protected with noncombustible material in accordance with the forms of protection listed in reference standard RS 14-16.
Article 9: Combustion Air
(a) Oil fuels. The air supply for equipment burning fuel oil shall comply with the requirements in applicable standards in reference standard RS-14. Ventilation shall be capable of providing at least thirty-six cfm of air for each gallon of oil per hour required to fire the equipment to gross output.
(b) Gas fuels. The air supply for equipment burning gas shall comply with the requirements of article sixteen of this subchapter.
(c) Solid fuels. The air supply for equipment burning solid fuels shall comply with those required for burning fuel oil based on Btu equivalent of the solid fuel.
(d) Mechanical ventilation. If the ventilation for the purpose of combustion is supplied mechanically, the ventilating system shall be electrically interlocked with the burner so that when the burner is in operation, the ventilating system shall maintain the room in which the equipment is located at a pressure not less than the outdoor atmospheric pressure.
Article 10: Piping Containing Steam, Hot Water or Other Fluids