Glass in prime and storm doors, interior doors, fixed glass panels that may be mistaken for means of egress or ingress, shower doors and tub enclosures, or in similar installations wherein one or more of the following criteria apply, shall meet the requirements set forth in table 10-9, or by comparative tests shall be proven to produce equivalent performance:
(a) openings are located in regularly occupied spaces.
(b) lowest point of panel is less than eighteen inches above finished floor.
(c) minimum dimension of panel is larger than eighteen inches.
Table 10-9
Requirements for Glass Panels Subject to Impact Loads a, b
Requirements for Glass Panels Subject to Impact Loads a, b
Glass Type | Individual Opening Area | Requirements |
Regular plate, sheet or rolled (annealed) | Over 6 sq. ft. | Not less than 3/16 in. thick. Must be protected by a push-bar or protective grille firmly attached on each exposed side c, if not divided by a muntin. |
Regular plate, sheet or rolled (annealed), surface sandblasted, etched, or otherwise depreciated | Over 6 sq. ft. | Not less than 7/32 in. thick. Must be protected by a push-bar or protective grille firmly attached on each exposed side c. |
Regular plate, sheet or rolled (annealed), obscure | Over 6 sq. ft. | Not less than 3/16 in. thick. Must be protected by a push-bar or grille firmly attached on each exposed side c. |
Laminated | Over 6 sq. ft. | Not less than 1/4 in. thick. Shall pass impact test requirements of reference standard RS 10-67. |
Fully-tempered | Over 6 sq. ft. | Shall pass impact test requirements of reference standard RS 10-67. |
Wired | Over 6 sq. ft. | Not less than 7/32 in. thick. Shall pass impact test requirements of reference standard RS 10-67. |
All unframed glass doors (swinging) | Shall be fully-tempered glass and pass impact test requirements of reference standard RS 10-67. | |
a Glass less than single strength (SS) in thickness shall not be used.
b If short dimension is larger than 24 in., glass must be double strength (DS) or thicker.
c Building owners and tenants shall maintain push-bars or protective grilles in safe condition at all times.
Subchapter 11: Foundations
Article 1: General