The soil material directly underlying footings, foundation piers, and foundation walls shall be inspected by an architect or engineer after excavation and immediately prior to construction of the footings. If such inspection indicates that the soil conditions do not conform to those assumed for purposes of design and described on the plans, or are unsatisfactory due to disturbance, then additional excavation, reduction in allowable bearing pressure, or other remedial measures shall be adopted, as required. A copy of a report or reports on such inspection or inspections describing the conditions found and any necessary modification of the design, and bearing the signature of the architect or engineer making the inspections, shall be filed with the commissioner. In addition, notification shall be received by the department at least two working days prior to construction of the footing, pier, or foundation walls, that the subgrade is ready for inspection unless the requirements of section 27-209 of article twenty-one of subchapter one of this chapter have been met.
Except in cases where a proposed excavation will extend less than ten feet below the legally established grade, all underpinning operations and the construction and excavation of temporary or permanent cofferdams, caissons, braced excavated surfaces, or other constructions or excavations required for or affecting the support of adjacent properties or buildings shall be subject to controlled inspection. The details of underpinning, cofferdams, caissons, bracing, or other constructions required for the support of adjacent properties or buildings shall be shown on the plans or prepared in the form of shop or detail drawings and shall be approved by the architect or engineer who prepared the plans.
Subchapter 12: Light, Heat, Ventilation and Noise Control
Article 1: General