The provisions of this section shall apply to all places of assembly classified in occupancy group F-2 under the provisions of subchapter three. F-2 places of assembly shall comply with all of the requirements of article two of this subchapter, and with the following:
(a) Enclosure. To qualify as an F-2 outdoor place of assembly, a place of assembly shall have at least forty per cent of the combined surface area of all exterior wall and roof planes open to the outdoors. When a portion of an outdoor place of assembly is enclosed to a greater extent, that portion shall comply with all of the requirements of this code applicable to indoor places of assembly.
(b) Grandstands. Grandstands shall comply with the following:
(1) CONSTRUCTION. Grandstands shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of subchapters nine and ten of this chapter.
(2) HEIGHT AND AREA. Grandstands, when built entirely of noncombustible materials, may be of unlimited height and area, and when built of combustible materials, shall be subject to the following limitations:
a. No section of seating shall exceed twenty feet in height, or exceed ten thousand square feet in area.
b. When more than one section of seating is provided, and the separation between them is less than fifty feet, each section shall be separated from the other by construction having a fire-resistance rating of at least two hours and rising to a height of at least two feet six inches above the levels of seating at each row.
c. No outdoor grandstand of combustible materials shall be erected within less than two-thirds of its height, but in no case less than ten feet, of a building or an interior lot line unless separated therefrom by noncombustible construction having a one hour fire-resistance rating.
(3) SPACES UNDER SEATS. Spaces under grandstand seats shall be kept free of all combustible materials and shall not be occupied or used for other than egress, unless such spaces are completely enclosed by noncombustible construction having a two hour fire-resistance rating.
(4) PARKING. Motor vehicle parking spaces shall not be closer than twenty feet to any grandstand unless separated therefrom by noncombustible construction having a one hour fire-resistance rating.
(c) Stage requirements.
(1) DEFINITION. For the purposes of this section the stage in an F-2 place of assembly shall be the area where the principal activity viewed by the audience takes place.
(2) CONSTRUCTION. The horizontal area of stage construction shall not exceed the following: Wood frame: maximum area-five thousand square feet. Fire retardant treated wood: maximum area-ten thousand square feet. Noncombustible frame: maximum area – unlimited.
(3) EXITS FROM THE STAGE. At least two exits, remote from each other, shall be available from every point on a stage, each within a travel distance limitation of three hundred feet. The occupant load of the stage shall be based upon one person per fifty square feet of area. When any portion of a stage is used for audience seating at any time, exits of adequate capacity shall be provided for that portion, within the travel distance limitations for assembly space seating. Exit openings serving a stage directly shall have a capacity of four hundred persons per unit of exit width.
(4) EMERGENCY CONTROL PANEL. In F-2 places of assembly having an occupant load over one thousand persons, an emergency control panel shall be provided as follows:
a. It shall be located so as to have a view of the audience and stage areas, and shall be readily accessible at all times during the presentation of a performance to an audience, to a competent person instructed in its use.
b. It shall be equipped with tell-tale lights to indicate when feeders and sub-feeders of emergency light and power circuits are in operation in assembly spaces and all exits.
c. It shall be equipped with a public address system serving loudspeakers in the assembly space. The public address system shall be connected to both the normal and emergency light and power circuits.
(d) Drive-in theaters. Drive-in theaters shall comply with the following:
(1) Projection booths and projection machines shall comply with the requirements of section 27-543 of article two of this subchapter. Motor vehicle parking spaces shall not be closer than twenty feet to any projection booth or machine.
(2) Projection screens and supporting structures shall comply with the requirements of section 27-544 of article two of this subchapter and shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of subchapters nine and ten of this chapter as applied to signs. Motor vehicle parking spaces shall not be closer than twenty feet to any projection screen.
(e) Amusement parks. Buildings and structures within amusement parks shall be constructed to conform with all of the requirements of this code governing the specific use and occupancy. Amusement devices shall not be placed in operation until they have been made to comply with the provisions of subchapter eighteen of this chapter.
Article 5: F-3 and F-4 Places of Assembly
The provisions of this section shall apply to all places of assembly classified in occupancy group F-3 or F-4 under the provisions of subchapter three of this chapter. F-3 or F-4 places of assembly shall comply with all the requirements of article two of this subchapter and the following:
(a) Stage requirements.
(1) With scenery and scenic elements. Where an F-3 or F-4 place of assembly provides a stage using scenery and scenic elements, the space shall comply with all of the requirements of this code applicable to F1a places of assembly.
(2) Without scenery and scenic elements. Where an F-3 or F-4 place of assembly provides a stage not using scenery or scenic elements, the space shall comply with all of the requirements of this code applicable to F-1b places of assembly.
(3) Cabarets. In all F-4 places of assembly used as a cabaret, the stage dressing rooms and property rooms shall be provided with automatic sprinkler and fire alarm protection in compliance with the provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter. Existing premises shall be required to conform with this requirement on or before January twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty.
(b) Retroactive provisions. On or before January twelfth, nineteen hundred eighty, all places of assembly providing entertainment or used as a cabaret within F-3 or F-4 occupancies shall be provided with automatic sprinkler and fire alarm protection to comply with the provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter.
Subchapter 9: Loads
Article 1: General
Buildings and parts thereof, shall be capable of resisting all levels actually imposed thereon without exceeding the allowable stresses prescribed in subchapters ten and eleven of this chapter. In no cases shall the assumed loads be less than the minimum values described herein. In addition, within special flood hazard areas, and below the regulatory flood datum, as described in article ten of subchapter four of this chapter, applicable load requirements of reference standard RS 4-5 shall be applied.