The owner or person in charge of the equipment or devices listed in article one of this subchapter shall promptly notify the commissioner of every accident involving injury to any person requiring the services of a physician or damage to property or to apparatus exceeding one hundred dollars on, about, or in connection with such equipment, and shall afford the commissioner every facility for investigating such accident or damage. The commissioner shall make an investigation immediately thereafter, and shall prepare a full and complete report of such investigation. Such report shall give in detail all material facts and information available and the cause or causes as far as they can be determined. Such report shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable hours. When an accident involves the failure or destruction of any part of the construction or operating mechanism of such equipment, no such equipment shall be used until it has been made safe, and re-inspected by the commissioner; and the commissioner may order the discontinuance of such equipment until a new use permit has been issued by him or her for its use. No part shall be removed from the premises of the damaged construction or operating mechanism until permission to do so has been granted by the commissioner.
Subchapter 19: Safety of Public and Property During Construction Operations [Repealed]