Article 7: Equipment Foundation Mountings
All floor mounted combustion or heating equipment shall be mounted on noncombustible construction as provided in reference standard RS 14-17 or on combustible construction if such construction is protected as required in reference standard RS 14-17, provided the following conditions are met:
(a) All clearances shall comply with the requirements specified in section 27-792 of article one of this subchapter.
(b) Heating and combustion equipment which has been tested in accordance with applicable standards listed in reference standard RS-14, shall be installed with the clearances determined by such tests.
(c) Equipment which has been approved, as provided in section 27-135 of article eight of subchapter one of this chapter, shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of such approval.
(d) When mounted above combustible construction, the equipment is arranged so that flame or gaseous products of combustion do not impinge upon the base of the equipment.
Article 8: Equipment Clearances
Clearances from combustible construction in walls, partitions and ceilings adjacent to combustion or heating equipment shall not be less than that tabulated in reference standard RS 14-15, provided the following conditions are met:
(a) All clearances shall comply with the requirements specified in section 27-792 of article one of this subchapter.
(b) Heating and combustion equipment which has been tested in accordance with the applicable standards listed in reference standard RS-14, shall be installed with the clearances determined by such tests.
(c) Equipment which has been approved, as provided in section 27-135 of article eight of subchapter one of this chapter, shall be installed in accordance with the conditions of such approval.