Openings shall be provided so that all parts of the incinerator can be cleaned, including the ash pit, the combustion chamber, the passes of separation chambers, and the incinerator flue. Cleanouts shall be closed by tight fitting doors or covers, securely latched or otherwise held in a closed position. Ash pit and combustion chamber closures and frames shall be of cast iron or equivalent, with the frames securely attached to the incinerator.
Sufficient space shall be provided around the incinerator and its appurtenances to facilitate cleaning, repair, and servicing. Clearance shall be provided to allow the cleanout doors to be completely opened so that all parts of the combustion chamber, ash pit, separation chambers, etc. may be reached and so implements used for this purpose can be freely manipulated. All dampers, gates, burners, valves, levers, etc., shall be accessible for repair and adjustment or replacement. No construction shall be located closer than sixteen inches to any part of an incinerator, except that noncombustible structural members two feet wide or less parallel to the incinerator, may be located as close as six inches to the incinerator, provided such members do not reduce accessibility to any moving parts of the incinerator.
All control equipment shall be installed in dustproof, noncombustible cabinets. Such cabinets shall not be mounted on the incinerator. Conduits carrying control wiring for the incinerator shall not be fastened to the incinerator. All electrical work shall comply with the electrical code of the city of New York.
(a) Operating and maintenance instructions shall be permanently and conspicuously mounted under transparent protective covers in the incinerator room, together with the equipment use permit. The instructions shall include complete procedures for operating and maintaining fuel burners, dampers, and other devices, and shall state quantities and kinds of materials that may be burned.
(b) On every door that opens into a space in which a service opening into a refuse chute is located, or on the wall directly over the service opening into the chute, the following sign shall be permanently and conspicuously posted: "THROWING LIGHTED MATCHES, CIGARS OR CIGARETTES, CARPET SWEEPINGS, NAPTHALENE, CAMPHOR BALLS OR FLAKES, FLOOR SCRAPINGS, OIL SOAKED RAGS, EMPTY PAINT CANS, AEROSOL CONTAINERS, OR ANY OTHER FLAMMABLE OR HIGHLY COMBUSTIBLE OR EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCE INTO THIS CHUTE IS UNLAWFUL AND SUBJECTS THE OFFENDER TO A PENALTY". Such signs shall be designed as follows:
(1) Signs on doors leading to the service openings and on walls over service openings shall be at least eight inches wide and three inches high, with lettering at least one-quarter inch high. The signs shall be located on the hall side approximately five feet above the floor.
(2) The lettering of the signs shall be of bold type, and shall be properly spaced to provide good legibility. The lettering and the background shall be of contrasting colors.
(3) Signs shall be durable and shall be securely attached to the door or wall.
(4) Sufficient lighting shall be provided so that the signs are easily readable at all times.
Article 19: Solid Fuel Fireplaces, Fireplace Stoves and Room Heaters
The construction, installation, alteration and operation of all fireplaces, fireplace stoves and room heaters used for space heating shall be subject to the provisions of this article. This article shall not be construed to apply to a central heater with hot air distribution, a central boiler and either hot water or steam heat distribution or a water tank, water heaters, furnaces or cooking stoves.