No oil burning equipment hereafter installed shall be operated until an equipment use permit has been issued by the commissioner, the requirements of the air pollution control code have been met as provided in section 27-799 of article four of this subchapter, and until approval for the storage of fuel oil has been given by the fire commissioner, except that temporary operation may be permitted as provided in section 27-188 of article eighteen of subchapter one of this chapter.
(a) Every oil burning installation that is not fully automatic or requires preheating shall be operated by, or under, the direct supervision of a person holding a certificate of fitness issued by the fire commissioner. Such person shall be in the building at all times while the burners are in operation, and shall be present in the boiler room during the starting of the operation of a boiler.
After any repairs are made to a boiler or fuel burning equipment for which licensed or qualified operators are required, such operators shall check the repairs, together with the functioning of all controls devices and the positioning of all valves. These licensed or qualified operators also shall be present during the starting of the operation of the equipment and shall be responsible for the proper and safe operation of such equipment.
Article 4: Abatement of Air Contaminants
Article 5: Equipment Standards
Gas burning and fuel oil burning equipment and accessory equipment or devices shall be accepted for use in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter when they comply with the test and installation standards of reference standard RS-14 as applicable, or have been approved by the board. Both methods shall be subject to the requirements of section 27-135 of article eight of subchapter one of this chapter.
Article 6: Equipment Classification