No oil burner shall be installed in any boiler, heater, range, or stove unless each boiler, heater, range, or stove is connected to a chimney complying with subchapter ten of this chapter, except for portable burners as prescribed in section 27-827 of this article.
Article 18: Refuse Disposal Systems
All new and existing refuse disposal systems shall be installed, altered and maintained in buildings in conformity with the applicable provisions of the administrative code, the air pollution control code and as follows.
(a) Charging chutes for refuse disposal system shall comply with applicable provisions of subchapter fifteen of this chapter.
(a) Semiautomatic incinerators. Semiautomatic incinerators shall be limited to capacities not exceeding one million seven hundred thousand Btu/hr. in other buildings. Semiautomatic incinerators may have manually operated grates, but shall have automatically operated flue gates, gas or oil burners with temperature controls, overfire air fans and nozzle system, emission control devices, and clock controlled cycles.
(b) Automatic incinerators. Automatic incinerators shall be required for capacities exceeding one million seven hundred thousand. They are optional for smaller capacities. Automatic incinerators shall have power operated grates, and automatically operated flue gates, gas or oil burners with temperature controls, overfire and underfire air fans and nozzle system, emission control devices and clock controlled cycles.
A refuse collection room shall be provided for refuse reduction systems which utilize methods other than burning. Such rooms shall comply with the requirements of section 27-837 of this article.
a. Existing refuse rooms and incinerator rooms which have been approved for such use, may be retained as approved.
b. Existing incinerator combustion chambers may be used in whole or in part as refuse collection rooms provided the grates are removed and provided they comply with the provisions of section 27-837 of this article.
c. Floors of refuse collection rooms shall be constructed of concrete and shall be sloped to a floor drain within the room, connected to the house drain. A hose connection shall be provided within the room.
d. A hopper and cut-off door shall be provided at the bottom of the refuse chute. Where compacting equipment is used, it shall be located entirely within the enclosure of the refuse collection room except that motors, pumps and controls may be installed in adjacent rooms.
e. Compacting equipment shall meet the criteria of the department of environmental protection and be approved. Where such equipment is installed so that the refuse flows directly into it, the compacting equipment may be used in place of the hopper and cut-off door. Compacting equipment shall be arranged to operate automatically when the level of refuse is not more than three feet below the lowest hopper door.
Incinerators and refuse collecting bins and spaces shall be located in rooms or compartments used for no other purpose. Such rooms or compartments shall be separated from all other occupancies by noncombustible construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two hours with self-closing opening protectives. Refuse collection bins and spaces shall be sprinklered in accordance with the construction provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter.