Article 26: Special Filing Requirements
(a) Owners of all existing buildings which are required to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of section 27-353.1 (elevator vestibules), section 27-381 and subdivision (b) of section 27-382 (exit lighting), subdivision (b) of section 27-384 (exit signs), section 27-396.3 (signs in sleeping rooms), section 27-777.2 (ventilation in J-1 buildings), subdivision (b) of section 27-929 (sprinklers, fire alarm systems, fire command and communication systems), paragraph two of subdivision (c) of section 27-989 (elevators in readiness), section 27-996.1 (locks on hoistway doors) and section 27-996.2 (firemen's service) shall file with the department a report on or before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven certifying to the installation of the required fire protection systems in accordance with approved plans and appropriate permits prior to such date. Owners of all existing buildings not already subject to the requirements of article nine of subchapter six of this chapter as of January eighth, nineteen hundred seventy-three shall file with the department a report on or before October first, nineteen hundred eighty-five certifying to the installation of stair and elevator signs meeting the requirements of article nine of subchapter six of this chapter prior to such date. Owners of all existing buildings that are required to comply with the provisions of subdivision (c) of section 27-384 (power source of exit signs) shall file with the department, on or before July 1, 2007, a report of an architect or engineer certifying that all required exit and/or directional signs are connected to an emergency power source or to storage battery equipment in compliance with such subdivision except that no such report shall be required to be filed if an owner of a building submits an affidavit to the department, within ninety days after the effective date of this sentence, certifying that all required exit and/or directional signs are connected to an emergency power source or to storage battery equipment as required by such subdivision. Such reports shall be on such forms and in such manner as prescribed by the commissioner. Failure to file such report by such dates shall be a violation of this section, which shall be punishable pursuant to section 26-125 of title twenty-six of the administrative code.
(b) (1) Owners of all buildings one hundred feet or more in height required to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of section 27-929.1 (sprinklers) shall file with the department on or before July 1, 2019 a final report prepared by an architect or engineer certifying to the installation of the required sprinklers in accordance with such provisions and, pending the filing of such final report, such owner shall be required to file the following interim reports as described below. Failure to file such final report and/or, where required, such interim reports by the dates indicated or within any extended period of time granted by the commissioner pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subdivision shall be a violation of this section, which shall be punishable pursuant to section 26-125 of the code. Such reports shall be on such forms and in such manner as prescribed by the commissioner and shall be filed as follows:
Unless a final report is filed on or prior to such date, a one year report shall be filed no later than July 1, 2005. | The one year report shall contain an affidavit by the owner of the building acknowledging that sprinklers are required to be installed in such building on or before July 1, 2019 in compliance with subdivision (a) of section 27-929.1 of this code and indicating his or her intention to comply with such requirement. |
Unless a final report is filed on or prior to July 1, 2011, a seven year report shall be filed no earlier than January 1, 2011 and no later than July 1, 2011. | Such seven year report shall contain a certification by an architect or engineer of the percentage of the building in which sprinklers have been installed as of the date of such report and an implementation plan prepared by such architect or engineer detailing when and how the remaining portions of the building will be made fully compliant. |
Unless a final report is filed on or prior to July 1, 2018, a fourteen year report shall be filed no earlier than January 1, 2018 and no later than July 1, 2018. | Such fourteen year report shall contain a certification by an architect or engineer of the percentage of the building in which sprinklers have been installed as of the date of such report and an implementation plan, prepared by such architect or engineer detailing when and how the remaining portions of the building will be made fully compliant. |
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subdivision, a final report shall be filed no later than July 1, 2019. | Such final report shall contain a certification by an architect or engineer that the building is fully compliant. |
(2) Where the owner of a building is unable to comply with the requirements of subdivision (a) of section 27-929.1 on or before July 1, 2019 because of undue hardship, and where such owner timely filed all interim reports as required in paragraph (1) of this subdivision and has obtained approval of all required applications, plans and permits relating to the required work, such owner may submit to the department an application for additional time to comply with such requirements. Such application shall be submitted to the department on or before July 1, 2018, along with supporting documents indicating the basis for such claim of undue hardship. The commissioner shall appoint a committee consisting of employees of the department and the fire department and a representative of the real estate industry to review such application. Such committee shall issue findings and recommendations relating to the application. After reviewing such findings and recommendations, if the commissioner finds that the owner has made a good faith effort to complete the required work and has substantiated his or her claim of undue hardship, the commissioner may brant an extension of time in which to complete the work and submit the final report.
Article 27: Alternative Procedure for Certain Permits [Repealed]
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/107.
Subchapter 2: Definitions
Article 1: General