Emergency power generation equipment shall be registered with the department of environmental protection, bureau of air resources in accordance with the requirements of section 24-109 of title twenty-four of the administrative code.
Emergency power systems meeting the requirements of this article shall be provided in the following buildings and building sections:
(a) High rise buildings and building sections classified in occupancy group C, E, G or H.
(b) Buildings and building sections classified in occupancy group E or G which do not exceed seventy-five feet in height but have a gross area of over fifteen thousand square feet per floor or a total gross area of one hundred thousand square feet or more.
(c) Spaces classified in occupancy group F-4 having an occupant load of three hundred or more persons.
(d) Buildings and building sections classified in occupancy group J-1.
(e) Buildings and building sections containing an atrium.
Subchapter 7: Special Uses and Occupancies
Article 1: General