Whenever used in this title the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Board" means the board of health.
(b) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the department of health and mental hygiene.
(c) "Department" means the department of health and mental hygiene.
a. The secretary of the department, subject to the direction of the commissioner, shall keep and authenticate the acts, records, papers and proceedings of the department, preserve its books and papers, conduct its correspondence, and aid generally in accomplishing the purposes of the department.
b. Papers certified by the chief clerk of the department or by an assistant chief clerk shall be of the same effect as evidence and otherwise, as if certified by the secretary.
Proofs, affidavits and examinations as to any matter under the jurisdiction of the department may be taken by or before the board or other person as the commissioner or board shall authorize. The commissioner, the secretary and any member of the department, shall, severally have authority to administer oaths in such matters.
a. It shall be the duty of the department:
1. To cause any avenue, street, alley or other passage whatever, to be fenced up or otherwise inclosed if it shall deem the public safety requires it, and to adopt suitable measures for preventing all persons from going to any part of the city so inclosed;
2. To forbid all communication with the house or family infected with any communicable disease except by means of physicians, nurses or messengers to carry the necessary advice, medicines and provisions to the afflicted;
3. To adopt such means for preventing all communication between any part of the city infected with a disease of communicable character and all other parts of the city, as shall be prompt and effectual.
b. Failure to comply with the provisions adopted by the department pursuant to this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.