a. If personal service of any such order cannot be made by reason of absence from the district, or inability to find one or more of the owners, occupants, lessees or tenants of the subject matter to which such order relates, or one or more of the persons whose duty it was to have done what is therein required to be done, as the case may render just and proper in the opinion of the board, to be shown by the official certificates of the officer having such order to serve, then service may be made through the mail, or by copy left at the residence or place of business of the person sought to be served, with a person of suitable age and discretion.
b. In any case where personal service of any such order cannot be made for the reasons stated in subdivision a of this section and service cannot be made as provided in such subdivision through the mail or by leaving a copy with a person of suitable age and discretion, because of inability to obtain the name or address of the person sought to be served, and such inability to effect service is shown by the official certificate of the officer having such order to serve, service may be made by conspicuously posting a copy of such order upon the property to which it relates. The posting of such order shall be sufficient notice of such order and of the nuisance therein mentioned to all persons having any duty or liability in relation thereto under the provisions of this chapter.
c. Whenever the board shall have declared any condition, matter or thing to be a nuisance, including ragweed or any other species of weed, plant or growth, and has entered the same in its records as a nuisance, the board may also take and file among its records what it shall regard as sufficient proof to authorize a declaration that such nuisance is widespread throughout the city or in any area thereof, and that personal service or service pursuant to subdivision a or b of this section of an order or orders requiring the abatement, removal or correction of such nuisance would result in delay prejudicial to the public health, welfare or safety, and upon the filing of such proof and the making of such declaration, the board may order that such nuisance be removed, abated or corrected, as prescribed by the board, by an order addressed generally, without specification of names or addresses, to all persons who, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, have any duty or liability in relation to any such nuisance which may exist upon or in any real or personal property or place located within the area or areas specified in such order. Such order may be served by publishing the same for a period of not less than three days in the City Record and in a newspaper circulated in the area or areas mentioned in such order. Service of such order shall be complete at the expiration of the third day of such publication and such publication shall be sufficient notice of such order and of the nuisance therein mentioned to all persons having any duty or liability in relation thereto under the provisions of this chapter.
The expenses attending the execution of any and all orders duly made by the department shall respectively be a several and joint personal charge against each of the owners or part owners and each of the lessees and occupants of the building, business, place, property, matter or thing to which such order relates, and in respect to which such expenses were incurred; and also against every person or body who was by law or contract bound to do that in regard to such business, place, street, property, matter or thing which such order requires. Such expenses shall also be a lien on all rent and compensation due, or to grow due, for the use of any place, room, building, premises, matter or thing to which such order relates, and in respect of which such expenses were incurred, and also a lien on all compensation due, or to grow due, for the cleaning of any street, place, ground, or thing, or for the cleaning, or removal, of any matter, thing, or place, the failure to do which by the party bound so to do, or doing of the same in whole or in part by order of such department, was the cause or occasion of any such order or expense.
The department, in case it has incurred any expense, or has rendered service for which payment is due, and as the rules of the department may provide, may institute and maintain a suit against any one liable for such expenses, or against any person, firm, or corporation, owing or who may owe such rent or compensation, and may recover the expenses so incurred under any such order. One or more of such parties liable or interested may be made parties to such action as the department may elect; but the parties made responsible herein for such expenses shall be liable to contribute or to make payment as between themselves, in respect of such expenses, and of any sum recovered for such expenses or compensation, or by any party paid on account thereof, according to the legal or equitable obligation existing between them.
a. There shall be filed in the office of the department a record of all work caused to be performed by or on behalf of the department in executing any order of the board or department. Such records shall be kept on a building by building basis and shall be accessible to the public during business hours. Within thirty days after the issuance of a purchase or work order to cause such work to be done, entry of such order shall be made on the records of the department. Such entry shall constitute notice to all parties.
b. All expenses incurred by or on behalf of the department for such work, pursuant to this title or any other applicable provision of law, shall constitute a lien upon the land and buildings upon or in respect to which, or either of which, the work required by such order has been done, or expenses incurred, when the amount thereof shall have been definitely computed as a statement of account by the department and the department shall cause to be filed in the office of the city collector an entry of the account stated in the book in which such charges against the premises are to be entered. Such lien shall have a priority over all other liens and encumbrances except for the lien of taxes and assessments. However, no lien created pursuant to this title shall be enforced against a subsequent purchaser in good faith or mortgagee in good faith unless the requirements of subdivision a of this section are satisfied; this limitation shall only apply to transactions occurring after the date such record should have been entered pursuant to subdivision a and before the date such entry was made.
c. A notice thereof, stating the amount due and the nature of the charge, shall be mailed by the city collector, within five days after such entry, to the last known address of the person whose name appears on the records in the office of the city collector as being the owner or agent or as the person designated by the owner to receive tax bills or, where no name appears, to the premises, addressed to either the owner or the agent.
d. If such charge is not paid within thirty days from the date of entry, it shall be the duty of the city collector to receive interest thereon at the rate of interest applicable to such property for a delinquent tax on real property, to be calculated to the date of payment from the date of entry.
e. Such charge and the interest thereon shall continue to be, until paid, a lien on the premises. Such lien shall be a tax lien within the meaning of sections 11-319 and 11-401 of the code and may be sold, enforced or foreclosed in the manner provided in chapters three and four of title eleven of the code or may be satisfied in accordance with the provisions of section thirteen hundred fifty-four of the real property actions and proceedings law.
f. Such notice mailed by the city collector pursuant to this section shall have stamped or printed thereon a reference to this section of the code.
a. In any proceedings to enforce or discharge the lien, the validity of the lien shall not be subject to challenge based on:
(1) The lawfulness of the work done; or
(2) The propriety and accuracy of the items of expenses for which a lien is claimed, except as provided in this section.
b. No such challenge may be made except by (1) the owner of the property, or (2) a mortgagee or lienor whose mortgage or lien would, but for the provision of section 17-151, have priority over the department's lien.
c. With respect to any issue specified in subdivision a of this section the certificate of the department filed pursuant to section 17-153 shall be presumptive evidence of the facts stated therein.
a. When the department shall have executed, or so far executed as the department may require, any order, a certificate setting forth the expenses of such execution, itemized generally, and the date thereof shall be filed among the records of the department with the order so executed; and the department shall take care by, or through some proper officer, or otherwise, that the expenses of such execution be so stated with fairness and accuracy.
b. When it shall appear that such execution or the expenses thereof, related to several lots or buildings belonging to different persons, such certificate shall state what belongs to, or arose in respect to each lot of such several lots or buildings, as the department or its authorized officer may direct; and the department may revise the correctness of such apportionment of expenses as truth and justice may require.
c. Whenever the expenses attending the execution of any order of the department may be made the subject of a suit by it, there may be joined in the same suit a claim or claims for any penalty or penalties for violation of any health provisions, or for the violation or omission to perform or obey such order, or any prior order of the department, or for the not doing of that, or any portion of that, for the doing of which such expenses arose or were incurred; and the proper joint or several judgment may be had against one or more of the defendants in the suit, as they or either of them may be liable in respect of both such claims, or either or any of them.
The department may serve a copy of the order under or by reason of which such expenses were authorized or incurred with a copy of the affidavit stating the expenses of the execution of such order, or if the claim be a judgment, may serve a transcript of such judgment, and an affidavit showing the expense of its execution if there be any, upon any person or corporation, owing, or who is about to owe any such compensation, or owing or about to owe any rent or compensation for the use or occupation of any grounds, premises or buildings or any part thereof, to which such order or judgment relates, and in respect of which such expenses embraced in such judgment related or were incurred, and may, at the time of such service, demand in writing that such rent, or any such compensation to the extent of such claim for such expenses, or for any such judgment or expenses in executing the same, when such rent or compensation becomes due and payable, be paid to the department.
After the service of such papers and such demand, any tenant, lessee, occupant, or other person owing, or about to owe, any such rent or any such compensation when it shall mature, or become payable, shall pay the same, and from time to time pay any other amount thereof, as the same may become due and payable, or so much thereof as is sufficient to satisfy any such judgment or claim for expenses, or both, so served, to the department, and a receipt shall be given therefor, stating on account of what order or judgment and expenses the same has been paid and received; and the amount so received shall be deposited where other funds of the department are kept, to the special account of the department.