The department, to promote the public good and public service, may establish reasonable regulations as to the publicity of any of its papers, files, reports, records and proceedings; and may publish such information as, in its opinion, may be useful, concerning births, deaths, marriages, sickness and the general sanitary conditions of the city, or any matter, place or thing therein.
a. The powers of the department shall include the ordering and enforcing in the same manner as other orders are provided to be enforced, the repairs of buildings, houses and other structures; the regulation and control of all public markets in relation to the cleanliness, ventilation and drainage thereof and the prevention of sale or offering for sale of improper articles; the removal of any obstruction, matter or thing in or upon the public streets, sidewalks or places, which, in the opinion of the department, may lead to conditions dangerous to life or health; the prevention of accidents by which life or health may be endangered; and generally the abatement of all nuisances.
b. The department shall possess full power with reference to the ventilation, drainage and cleanliness, of the stands or stalls in or around all markets.
It is hereby made the duty of all departments, officers, and agents, having the control, charge or custody of any public structure, work, ground, or erection, or of any plan, description, outline, drawing or charts thereof, or relating thereto, made, kept or controlled under any public authority, to permit and facilitate the examination and inspection, and the making of copies of the same by any officer or person, authorized to do so by the department of health and mental hygiene.
The department, from time to time may make rules and regulations fixing the time of rendering, and defining the form of returns and reports to be made to it by the chief medical examiner, in all cases of death which shall be investigated by him or her. The chief medical examiner shall conform to such rules and regulations.
a. It shall be the duty of the department upon receiving a certificate of death, made in accordance with its rules, to grant a permit for the removal from the city, of the body of the person described in such certificate if such body has not been buried.
b. It may grant a permit for the removal of the remains of any person interred within the city to a place without the city, on the application of a relative or friend of such person, when there shall appear to be no just objection to the same.