a. Whenever in its opinion the protection of the public health requires the drainage of any lands in the city, by means other than sewers, the department may make an order describing the location of such lands, and directing the proper drainage thereof, and construction of drains therefor, by the commissioner of design and construction.
b. The department after making such order, shall cause a map to be made on which shall be shown the location of such proposed drains and the lands required for the construction thereof.
c. The order shall be entered at length in the records of the department and a copy thereof shall be delivered to the commissioner of design and construction.
d. The map shall be filed in the department. A copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the register or county clerk of the county in which the lands are situated; another copy thereof shall be filed with the borough president of the borough in which the lands are situated; another copy with the copy of the order shall be filed with the commissioner of design and construction, who shall immediately thereafter have the power, and is hereby directed to make and adopt proper and suitable plans for the construction of such drains.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.