a. It shall be the duty of the department upon receiving a certificate of death, made in accordance with its rules, to grant a permit for the removal from the city, of the body of the person described in such certificate if such body has not been buried.
b. It may grant a permit for the removal of the remains of any person interred within the city to a place without the city, on the application of a relative or friend of such person, when there shall appear to be no just objection to the same.
The department, when it shall judge it necessary, may cause any cargo or part thereof, or any matter or thing within the city, that may be putrid or otherwise dangerous to the public health, to be destroyed or removed. Such removal, when ordered, shall be to such place as the department shall direct; such removal or destruction shall be made at the expense of the owner or owners of the property so removed or destroyed. Money expended for the same may be recovered from such owner or owners, in an action at law by the department.
a. Whenever in its opinion the protection of the public health requires the drainage of any lands in the city, by means other than sewers, the department may make an order describing the location of such lands, and directing the proper drainage thereof, and construction of drains therefor, by the commissioner of design and construction.
b. The department after making such order, shall cause a map to be made on which shall be shown the location of such proposed drains and the lands required for the construction thereof.
c. The order shall be entered at length in the records of the department and a copy thereof shall be delivered to the commissioner of design and construction.
d. The map shall be filed in the department. A copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the register or county clerk of the county in which the lands are situated; another copy thereof shall be filed with the borough president of the borough in which the lands are situated; another copy with the copy of the order shall be filed with the commissioner of design and construction, who shall immediately thereafter have the power, and is hereby directed to make and adopt proper and suitable plans for the construction of such drains.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
a. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean or include:
1. "Physically handicapped child." A person under twenty-one years of age who, by reason of a physical defect or infirmity, whether congenital or acquired by accident, injury or disease, is or may be expected to be totally or partially incapacitated for education or for remunerative occupation.
2. "Legally responsible relatives." The parent or parents of a physically handicapped child or any other person or persons liable under the law for the support of such child.
3. "Legal custodian." The parent or parents of a physically handicapped child having lawful custody of such child, or any other person or persons having lawful custody of such child.
b. Whenever the commissioner shall find, after investigation, that any physically handicapped child is in need of surgical, medical or therapeutic treatment or hospital care or appliances or devices, the commissioner, upon the request or with the consent of the legal custodian of such child, may order such surgical, medical or therapeutic treatment, hospital care or appliances or devices, and after investigation as provided in subdivision c hereof, may order the legally responsible relatives to pay the cost thereof.
c. The commissioner shall investigate the financial responsibility of the legally responsible relatives of such physically handicapped child. If the commissioner shall find, after such investigation, that the legally responsible relatives of such child are able to pay the whole or any part of the cost of such treatment, care or appliances and devices, and if such legally responsible relatives shall fail or refuse to comply with an order of the commissioner requiring them to pay the whole or any part of such cost, he or she may institute a proceeding in the family court of the state of New York within the city of New York, pursuant to the provisions of sections two hundred thirty-two through two hundred thirty-five of the family court act. Such a proceeding may likewise be instituted in the absence of an order requiring payment, where ability to pay is found.