a. An officer or employee of the department shall visit and inspect all vessels coming to the wharves, landing places, or shores of the city, or within three hundred yards thereof, which are suspected of having on board any communicable disease, or of being likely to communicate such disease to the inhabitants of the city. Such officer or employee shall report in writing, stating the vessel so inspected and the nature, state, and situation thereof, and his or her opinion as to the probability of disease being communicated by or from the same, and shall file such report in the main office of the department.
b. If the department deem it probable that any such disease may be brought into the city or communicated to the inhabitants thereof, it may by order direct any vessel lying at a place within three hundred yards of any wharf, landing place or shore of the city to be removed at least three hundred yards therefrom within six hours after a copy of such order, certified by the secretary of the department, shall be delivered to the person or persons having command of such vessel, or to the master, owner or consignee thereof. Every person to whom such copy of such order shall be delivered shall forthwith comply with the same.
c. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.
a. The board may issue a proclamation declaring any place where there shall be reason to believe a communicable disease actually exists, to be an infected place within the meaning of the health laws of this state. Such proclamation shall fix the time when it shall cease to have effect but such period, from time to time, may be extended by the board if it shall judge the public health to require such extension. Notice of an extension shall be published in one or more newspapers of the city.
b. After such proclamation shall have been issued, all vessels arriving in the port of New York from such infected place shall be subject to a quarantine of at least thirty days or until the termination of the proclamation period, and together with their officers, crews, passengers and cargoes, shall be subject to all the provisions, regulations and penalties in relation to vessels subject to quarantine.
c. The board may prohibit or regulate the internal intercourse by land or water between the city and the infected place; and may direct that all persons who come into the city contrary to its prohibition or regulations shall be apprehended and conveyed to the vessel or places from where they last came, or if sick, to such place as the board shall direct.
d. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.
a. The department is empowered to collect and preserve pure vaccine lymph or virus, produce diphtheria antitoxin and other vaccines and antitoxins, and add necessary additional provisions to the health code in order to most effectively prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
b. The department may take measures, and supply agents and offer inducements and facilities for general and gratuitous vaccination, disinfection, and for the use of diphtheria antitoxin and other vaccines and antitoxins.
a. The department may authorize the sale at reasonable rates to be fixed by it, of surplus vaccine lymph, virus, diphtheria antitoxin and other vaccines and antitoxins, when the amount collected shall exceed the amount required by it in the proper performance of its duties. The avails of such sales shall be credited by the department to the general fund of the city of New York and included in its semi-monthly transmission of revenue collections to the commissioner of finance of the city of New York.
b. The bureau of laboratories of the department may also exchange, upon authority and approval of the commissioner, and upon the written approval of the mayor, a portion of its laboratory products for other and different laboratory products, manufactured by the laboratories of the United States government and of other cities and laboratories, which the department may need for the prevention of the spread of disease.