If the court is satisfied by such evidence, then the compensation:
1. Shall in the first case, so far as it is based on rental, be on the rental of the building, as distinct from the ground rent, which would have been obtainable if the building was occupied for legal purposes, and only by the number of persons whom the building, under all circumstances of the case, was fitted to accommodate without such overcrowding as is dangerous or injurious to the health of the inmates; and
2. Shall in the second case be the amount estimated as the value of the building if it had been put into a sanitary condition, or into reasonably good repair, after deducting the estimated expense of putting it into such condition or repair; and
3. Shall in the third case be the value of the materials of the building.
a. An officer or employee of the department shall visit and inspect all stores and places within the city which are suspected of containing putrid or unsound provisions or other articles unfit for human consumption or use or likely to communicate disease to the inhabitants, and make and sign a report in writing stating the stores, places and articles so inspected and the nature, state and situation thereof and such officer's or employee's opinion in relation thereto. Such report shall be filed in an office of the department.
b. The department may by order direct the removal, to a place to be designated by it, of all things within the city which, in its opinion are unfit for human consumption or use or which shall be infected in any manner likely to communicate disease to the inhabitants.
c. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.