The department may serve a copy of the order under or by reason of which such expenses were authorized or incurred with a copy of the affidavit stating the expenses of the execution of such order, or if the claim be a judgment, may serve a transcript of such judgment, and an affidavit showing the expense of its execution if there be any, upon any person or corporation, owing, or who is about to owe any such compensation, or owing or about to owe any rent or compensation for the use or occupation of any grounds, premises or buildings or any part thereof, to which such order or judgment relates, and in respect of which such expenses embraced in such judgment related or were incurred, and may, at the time of such service, demand in writing that such rent, or any such compensation to the extent of such claim for such expenses, or for any such judgment or expenses in executing the same, when such rent or compensation becomes due and payable, be paid to the department.
After the service of such papers and such demand, any tenant, lessee, occupant, or other person owing, or about to owe, any such rent or any such compensation when it shall mature, or become payable, shall pay the same, and from time to time pay any other amount thereof, as the same may become due and payable, or so much thereof as is sufficient to satisfy any such judgment or claim for expenses, or both, so served, to the department, and a receipt shall be given therefor, stating on account of what order or judgment and expenses the same has been paid and received; and the amount so received shall be deposited where other funds of the department are kept, to the special account of the department.
Any person or corporation refusing or omitting to make such payment to the department after service of such paper and demand, shall be personally liable to the department for the amount that should have been paid to it, and may by the department be sued therefor; and such persons shall not in such suit dispute or call in question the authority of the department to incur, or order such expense or the validity or correctness of such expenses of judgment in any particular, or the right of the department to have the same paid from such rent or compensation.