a. It shall be the duty of the department:
1. To cause any avenue, street, alley or other passage whatever, to be fenced up or otherwise inclosed if it shall deem the public safety requires it, and to adopt suitable measures for preventing all persons from going to any part of the city so inclosed;
2. To forbid all communication with the house or family infected with any communicable disease except by means of physicians, nurses or messengers to carry the necessary advice, medicines and provisions to the afflicted;
3. To adopt such means for preventing all communication between any part of the city infected with a disease of communicable character and all other parts of the city, as shall be prompt and effectual.
b. Failure to comply with the provisions adopted by the department pursuant to this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.
a. Whenever the board of health, by public notice, shall designate any portion or district of the city as being the seat of any infectious or contagious disease, and declare communication with such portion or district to be dangerous, or shall prohibit such communication, the city clerk, during the continuance of such disease in such district, shall provide and keep in his or her office a book for the purpose of registering in alphabetical order, the names, firms and places of business of any inhabitant of the city who shall request such registry to be made.
b. All persons and firms usually resident or doing business within such infected district shall register, in the books so provided, their names or firms, with the place or places out of such infected district, but within the city to which they may have removed the transaction of their business, or to which they may desire any notices to be sent or served, or any notes, drafts, or bills to be presented for acceptance or for payment. Twenty-five cents may be claimed and received by the city clerk for every such registry; but the book in which the same shall be entered shall be open to public examination free of all charges at all times during office hours.
c. During the continuance of any such disease in such infected district, all drafts, notes and bills, which by law are required to be presented for acceptance or for payment, may be presented for such purpose at the place so designated in such registry, and all notices of nonacceptance and non-payment of any note, draft or bill, or of protest for such non-acceptance or non-payment, may be served by leaving the same at the place so designated.
d. In case any person or firm usually resident or doing business within such infected district shall neglect to make and cause to be entered in the book so provided, the registry herein required, all notes, drafts or bills which by law are required to be presented to such person or firm for acceptance or for payment, may be presented to the city clerk during the continuance of such disease, at any time during office hours, and demand of acceptance or payment thereof may be made of such city clerk, to the same purpose and with the same effect as if the same had been presented and acceptance or payment demanded of such person or firm at their usual place of doing business.
e. In case of omission to make the registry herein required, all notices of the non-acceptance or non-payment of any note, draft, or bill, or of protest for such non-acceptance or non-payment, may be served on any person or firm usually resident or doing business within such infected district, by leaving the same at one of the post-offices in the city. Such service shall be as valid and effectual as if the notices had been served personally on such person or one of such firm at his, her or their usual place of doing business.
f. Whenever proclamation shall be made by the board of health, that an infectious or contagious disease in any infected district has subsided, it shall be deemed to have subsided for all purposes contemplated in this section.
a. An officer or employee of the department shall visit and inspect all vessels coming to the wharves, landing places, or shores of the city, or within three hundred yards thereof, which are suspected of having on board any communicable disease, or of being likely to communicate such disease to the inhabitants of the city. Such officer or employee shall report in writing, stating the vessel so inspected and the nature, state, and situation thereof, and his or her opinion as to the probability of disease being communicated by or from the same, and shall file such report in the main office of the department.
b. If the department deem it probable that any such disease may be brought into the city or communicated to the inhabitants thereof, it may by order direct any vessel lying at a place within three hundred yards of any wharf, landing place or shore of the city to be removed at least three hundred yards therefrom within six hours after a copy of such order, certified by the secretary of the department, shall be delivered to the person or persons having command of such vessel, or to the master, owner or consignee thereof. Every person to whom such copy of such order shall be delivered shall forthwith comply with the same.
c. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both.