a. The department shall provide education on polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis by posting information on its website, which may include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1. The definitions and potential symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis;
2. Information on how to seek diagnosis or treatment, including how to procure the care of a primary care physician; and
3. Data regarding the number of individuals who are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis in the city, disaggregated by age, race, ethnicity, and zip code, to the extent such data is available to the department.
b. No later than March 1, 2023, and every year thereafter, the department shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council regarding education efforts on polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis conducted by the department.
(L.L. 2022/087, 9/6/2022, eff. 10/6/2022)
No later than December 30, 2024, the department shall report on the number of total births in the city for the previous calendar year, disaggregated, to the extent available, by the number of vaginal births, the number of vaginal births after prior cesarean section, the number of first-time cesarean sections, and the number of repeat cesarean sections. This data shall be further disaggregated, to the extent available, by whether or not the pregnancy was considered low risk because the pregnancy was primiparous, full-term, singleton, and vertex/cephalic (head-first). Such report shall include recommendations by the department to reduce maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity, as such terms are defined in section 17-199.3, including efforts to: (i) reduce the risks associated with unplanned cesarean sections; and (ii) efforts to address inequities across patient demographics.
(L.L. 2022/089, 9/6/2022, eff. 11/10/2022; Am. L.L. 2023/151, 11/17/2023, eff. 11/17/2023)
No later than September 30, 2017, and annually no later than September 30 of each year, the department shall submit to the speaker and post on its website, or shall include in the mayor's management report prepared pursuant to section 12 of the charter, the most recent fiscal year data available on vaccination rates for New York city residents for the human papillomavirus, disaggregated by the gender of the recipient, and by age group, series initiation, and series completion. Such data shall include, but need not be limited to, anonymized information that has been reported to the department for inclusion in the citywide immunization registry.
(L.L. 2017/053, 3/21/2017, eff. 3/21/2017)
a. The department shall report to the council no later than 18 months from the effective date on activities it has undertaken to educate physicians and other health care providers who treat persons with asthma about the role of indoor allergens in asthma exacerbation and the availability of inspections for asthma triggers in their patients' primary residence by the department and the department of housing preservation and development, and on any mechanism they have to refer to the department or the department of housing preservation and development, with consent, the contact information for patients who report these conditions in their primary residence. The report shall describe what was done following such referrals, and what the outcomes were of any that were made and received during this period.
(L.L. 2018/055, 1/19/2018, eff. 1/19/2019)
a. The department shall establish procedures to permit doctors, nurses, or other health professionals, upon the consent of their patients, to request a department investigation of possible indoor allergen hazards in dwellings where persons reside who have been medically diagnosed with moderate persistent or severe persistent asthma. Such procedures shall provide for the referral to the department of housing preservation and development of such requests that would be subject to section 27-2017.6. The procedures shall also provide for an investigation to be made when the department is notified that a person who has been medically diagnosed with moderate persistent or severe persistent asthma is residing in a dwelling with possible indoor allergen hazards not otherwise subject to enforcement by the department of housing preservation and development under section 27-2017.6. Such indoor allergen hazards may include, but are not limited to, mold that is not readily observable to the eye, including mold that is hidden within wall cavities, construction dust or such other conditions as the department shall from time-to-time determine by rule are indoor allergen hazards.
b. In the event that the department determines that an indoor allergen hazard exists, the department shall order the owner to correct the condition and the underlying causes of such a condition within twenty-one days, in a manner and under such safety conditions as it may specify, including the integrated pest management practices in section 27-2017.8 and the work practices established pursuant to section 27-2017.9.
c. In the event that the department determines that the owner or other person having the duty or liability to comply with an order issued pursuant to this section fails to substantially comply therewith within twenty-one days after service thereof, the department shall, in accordance with section 27-2017.10, refer such order to the department of housing preservation and development. The department of housing preservation and development may take such enforcement action as is necessary, including performing or arranging for the performance of the work to correct the certified condition.
d. The department shall report to the council and mayor no later than 24 months from the effective date on activities it has undertaken under this section as they relate to adults with asthma diagnoses, including but not limited to the number adult asthma referrals by type to the department for inspection, the number and types of orders issued to property owners by the department as a result of adult asthma referrals, and the number of apartments that have completed remediation for indoor asthma allergens as a result of adult asthma referrals. Upon submission of such report the agency may submit a recommendation to the council containing a proposed redefinition of "persons with medically diagnosed moderate persistent or severe persistent asthma" for the purposes of the provision of this article.
(L.L. 2018/055, 1/19/2018, eff. 1/19/2019; Am. L.L. 2019/051, 3/16/2019, retro. eff. 1/19/2019)