502. General.
Ventilation shall be provided for rooms, buildings and enclosures in which Class I liquids are pumped, used or transferred. Design of ventilation systems shall consider the relatively high specific gravity of the vapors. Where natural ventilation is used, adequate openings in outside walls at floor level, unobstructed except by louvers or coarse screens, shall be provided. Where natural ventilation is inadequate, mechanical ventilation shall be provided. The natural ventilation design shall be approved for each specific application by the commissioner prior to installation and/or use.
502. Basements and pits.
Class I liquids shall not be stored or used within a building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors can travel, unless such area is provided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors therein.
502. Dispensing of Class I liquids.
Containers of Class I liquids shall not be drawn from or filled within buildings unless a provision is made to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. Where mechanical ventilation is required, it shall be kept in operation while flammable vapors could be present.
502.9.6 Highly toxic and toxic liquids.
Ventilation exhaust shall be provided for highly toxic and toxic liquids as required by Sections 502.9.6.1 and 502.9.6.2.
502.9.6.1 Treatment system.
This provision shall apply to indoor and outdoor storage and use of highly toxic and toxic liquids in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantities per control area. Exhaust scrubbers or other systems for processing vapors of highly toxic liquids shall be provided where a spill or accidental release of such liquids can be expected to release highly toxic vapors at normal temperature and pressure.
502.9.6.2 Open and closed systems.
Mechanical exhaust ventilation shall be provided for highly toxic and toxic liquids used in open systems in accordance with Section 502.8.4. Mechanical exhaust ventilation shall be provided for highly toxic and toxic liquids used in closed systems in accordance with Section 502.8.5.
Exception: Liquids or solids that do not generate highly toxic or toxic fumes, mists or vapors.
502.9.7 Highly toxic and toxic compressed gases – any quantity.
Ventilation exhaust shall be provided for highly toxic and toxic compressed gases in any quantity as required by Sections 502.9.7.1 and 502.9.7.2.
502.9.7.1 Gas cabinets.
Gas cabinets containing highly toxic or toxic compressed gases in any quantity shall comply with Section 502.8.2 and the following requirements:
1. The average ventilation velocity at the face of gas cabinet access ports or windows shall be not less than 200 feet per minute (1.02 m/s) with a minimum velocity of 150 feet per minute (0.76 m/s) at any point at the access port or window.
2. Gas cabinets shall be connected to an exhaust system.
3. Gas cabinets shall not be used as the sole means of exhaust for any room or area.