502.4 Stationary storage battery systems.
Stationary storage battery systems, as regulated by Section 608 of the New York City Fire Code, shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with this chapter, Section 502.4.3 and either Section 502.4.1 or 502.4.2.
Exception: Lithium-ion batteries shall not require ventilation.
502.4.1 Hydrogen limit in rooms.
For flooded lead acid, flooded nickel cadmium and VRLA batteries, the ventilation system shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen to 1.0 percent of the total volume of the room.
502.4.2 Ventilation rate in rooms.
Continuous ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not less than 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot (cfm/ft
) (0.00508 m
/(s • m
)) of floor area of the room.
502.4.3 Supervision.
Mechanical ventilation systems required by Section 502.4 shall be supervised with proof of airflow by a central, proprietary system or remote station service or shall initiate an audible and visual signal at a constantly attended on-site location.
502.5 Valve-regulated lead-acid batteries in cabinets.
Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries installed in cabinets, as regulated by Section 608.6.2 of the New York City Fire Code, shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with Section 502.5.3 and either Section 502.5.1 or 502.5.2.
502.5.1 Hydrogen limit in cabinets.
The cabinet ventilation system shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen to 1.0 percent of the total volume of the cabinet during the worst-case event of simultaneous boost charging of all batteries in the cabinet.
502.5.2 Ventilation rate in cabinets.
Continuous cabinet ventilation shall be provided at a rate of not less than 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot (cfm/ft
) (0.00508 m
/(s • m
)) of the floor area covered by the cabinet. The room in which the cabinet is installed shall be ventilated as required by Section 502.4.1 or 502.4.2.