502.10.1 Where required.
Exhaust ventilation systems shall be provided in the following locations in accordance with the requirements of this section and the New York City Building Code:
1. Fabrication areas: Exhaust ventilation for fabrication areas shall comply with the New York City Building Code. Additional manual control switches shall be provided where required by the commissioner.
2. Workstations: A ventilation system shall be provided to capture and exhaust gases, fumes and vapors at workstations.
3. Liquid storage rooms: Exhaust ventilation for liquid storage rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.1.1 and the New York City Building Code.
4. HPM rooms: Exhaust ventilation for HPM rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.1.1 and the New York City Building Code.
5. Gas cabinets: Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets shall comply with Section 502.8.2. The gas cabinet ventilation system is allowed to connect to a workstation ventilation system. Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.
6. Exhausted enclosures: Exhaust ventilation for exhausted enclosures shall comply with Section 502.8.2. Exhaust ventilation for exhausted enclosures containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.
7. Gas rooms: Exhaust ventilation for gas rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.2. Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.
502.10.2 Penetrations.
Exhaust ducts penetrating fire barrier assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the New York City Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the New York City Building Code shall be contained in a shaft of equivalent fire-resistance-rated construction. Exhaust ducts shall not penetrate fire walls. Fire dampers shall not be installed in exhaust ducts.
502.10.3 Treatment systems.
Treatment systems for highly toxic and toxic gases shall comply with the New York City Fire Code.
502.11 Motion picture projectors.
Motion picture projectors shall be exhausted in accordance with Section 502.11.1 or 502.11.2.
502.11.1 Projectors with an exhaust discharge.
Projectors equipped with an exhaust discharge shall be directly connected to a mechanical exhaust system. The exhaust system shall operate at an exhaust rate as indicated by the manufacturer's instructions.
502.11.2 Projectors without exhaust connection.
Projectors without an exhaust connection shall have contaminants exhausted through a mechanical exhaust system. The exhaust rate for electric arc projectors shall be not less than 200 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (0.09 m
/s) per lamp. The exhaust rate for xenon projectors shall be not less than 300 cfm (0.14 m
/s) per lamp. Xenon projector exhaust shall be at a rate such that the exterior temperature of the lamp housing does not exceed 130°F (54.4°C). The lamp and projection room exhaust systems, whether combined or independent, shall not be interconnected with any other exhaust or return system within the building.