512.5 Identification.
Subslab soil exhaust ducts shall be permanently identified within each floor level by means of a tag, stencil or other approved marking.
513.1 Scope and purpose.
This section applies to mechanical and passive smoke control systems that are required by the New York City Building Code. A smoke control system, where required, facilitates the evacuation of the occupants. Smoke control systems not required by the New York City Building Code shall not be installed unless approved by the Department. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum requirements for the design, installation and acceptance testing of smoke control systems that are intended to provide a tenable environment for the evacuation or relocation of occupants. These provisions are not intended for the preservation of contents, the timely restoration of operations, or for assistance in fire suppression or post-fire smoke purge. Smoke control systems regulated by this section serve a different purpose than the smoke and heat-venting provisions found in Section 910 of the New York City Building Code. Mechanical smoke control systems shall not be considered exhaust systems under Chapter 5.