502.9.9 Ozone gas generators.
Ozone cabinets and ozone gas-generator rooms for systems having a maximum ozone-generating capacity of one-half pound (0.23 kg) or more over a 24-hour period shall be mechanically ventilated at a rate of not less than six air changes per hour. For cabinets, the average velocity of ventilation at makeup air openings with cabinet doors closed shall be not less than 200 feet per minute (1.02 m/s).
502.9.10 LP-gas distribution facilities.
LP-gas distribution facilities shall conform to the requirements of the New York City Fire Code.
502.9.11 Silane gas.
Exhausted enclosures and gas cabinets for the indoor storage of silane gas in amounts exceeding the maximum allowable quantities per control area shall comply with this section.
1. Exhausted enclosures and gas cabinets shall be in accordance with Section 502.8.2.
2. The velocity of ventilation across unwelded fittings and connections on the piping system shall not be less than 200 feet per minute (1.02 m/s).
3. The average velocity at the face of the access ports or windows in the gas cabinet shall not be less than 200 feet per minute (1.02 m/s) with a minimum velocity of 150 feet per minute (0.76 m/s) at any point at the access port or window.
502.10 Hazardous production materials (HPM).
Exhaust ventilation systems and materials for ducts utilized for the exhaust of HPM shall comply with this section, other applicable provisions of this code, the New York City Building Code and the New York City Fire Code.
502.10.1 Where required.
Exhaust ventilation systems shall be provided in the following locations in accordance with the requirements of this section and the New York City Building Code:
1. Fabrication areas: Exhaust ventilation for fabrication areas shall comply with the New York City Building Code. Additional manual control switches shall be provided where required by the commissioner.
2. Workstations: A ventilation system shall be provided to capture and exhaust gases, fumes and vapors at workstations.
3. Liquid storage rooms: Exhaust ventilation for liquid storage rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.1.1 and the New York City Building Code.
4. HPM rooms: Exhaust ventilation for HPM rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.1.1 and the New York City Building Code.
5. Gas cabinets: Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets shall comply with Section 502.8.2. The gas cabinet ventilation system is allowed to connect to a workstation ventilation system. Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.
6. Exhausted enclosures: Exhaust ventilation for exhausted enclosures shall comply with Section 502.8.2. Exhaust ventilation for exhausted enclosures containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.
7. Gas rooms: Exhaust ventilation for gas rooms shall comply with Section 502.8.2. Exhaust ventilation for gas cabinets containing highly toxic or toxic gases shall also comply with Sections 502.9.7 and 502.9.8.