502.17.1 Buffing machines.
Each buffing machine shall be connected to a dust-collecting system that prevents the accumulation of the dust produced by the buffing process.
502.18 Specific rooms.
Specific rooms, including bathrooms, locker rooms, smoking lounges and toilet rooms, shall be exhausted in accordance with the ventilation requirements of Chapter 4.
502.19 Indoor firing ranges.
Ventilation shall be provided in an approved manner in areas utilized as indoor firing ranges. Firing ranges shall comply with all applicable laws and the requirements of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
502.20 Manicure and pedicure stations.
Manicure and pedicure stations shall be provided with an exhaust system in accordance with Table 403.3.1.1, Note h. Manicure tables and pedicure stations not provided with factory-installed exhaust inlets shall be provided with exhaust inlets located not more than 12 inches (304.8 mm) horizontally and vertically from the point of chemical application.
502.21 Domestic kitchen exhaust systems.
In all Group R occupancies, a minimum of No. 18 Gage galvanized sheet metal shall be used, except that ductwork that complies with Section 603.6.1.2 shall be permitted for independent apartment exhaust systems providing general exhaust ventilation of kitchen and toilet areas.
502.22 Nonproduction chemical laboratories.
Nonproduction chemical laboratories shall comply with the New York City Building Code and NFPA 45.
503.1 General.
Motors and fans shall be sized to provide the required air movement. Motors in areas that contain flammable vapors or dusts shall be of a type approved for such environments. A manually operated remote control installed at an approved location shall be provided to shut off fans or blowers in flammable vapor or dust systems. Electrical equipment and appliances used in operations that generate explosive or flammable vapors, fumes or dusts shall be interlocked with the ventilation system so that the equipment and appliances cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans are in operation. Motors for fans used to convey flammable vapors or dusts shall be located outside the duct or shall be protected with approved shields and dustproofing. Motors and fans shall be provided with a means of access for servicing and maintenance.