502.9.8.5 Treatment system.
The exhaust ventilation from gas cabinets, exhausted enclosures and gas rooms, and local exhaust systems required in Sections 502.9.8.2 and 502.9.8.3 shall be directed to a treatment system where required by the New York City Fire Code.
502.9.8.6 Process equipment.
Effluent from indoor and outdoor process equipment containing highly toxic or toxic compressed gases which could be discharged to the atmosphere shall be processed through an exhaust scrubber or other processing system. Such systems shall be in accordance with the New York City Fire Code.
502.9.9 Ozone gas generators.
Ozone cabinets and ozone gas-generator rooms for systems having a maximum ozone-generating capacity of one-half pound (0.23 kg) or more over a 24-hour period shall be mechanically ventilated at a rate of not less than six air changes per hour. For cabinets, the average velocity of ventilation at makeup air openings with cabinet doors closed shall be not less than 200 feet per minute (1.02 m/s).