506.5.6 Exhaust fan operation.
The operation of the exhaust fan shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1. The hood exhaust fan(s) shall continue to operate after the extinguishing system has been activated unless fan shutdown is required by a listed component of the ventilation system or by the design of the extinguishing system.
2. The hood exhaust fan shall not be required to start automatically upon activation of the extinguishing system if the exhaust fan and all cooking equipment served by the fan have previously been shut down.
3. The cooking appliances shall be interlocked with the exhaust hood system to prevent appliance operation when the exhaust hood system is not operating.
506.6 Exterior duct installations.
The installation of exterior ducts shall comply with the following requirements:
1. The exterior portion of the ductwork shall be vertical wherever possible and shall be installed and supported on the exterior of a building.
2. Bolts, screws, rivets, and other mechanical fasteners shall not penetrate duct walls.
3. Clearance of any ducts shall comply with Section 506.3.6.
4. All ducts shall be protected on the exterior by paint or other suitable weather-protective coating.
5. Ducts constructed of stainless steel shall not be required to have additional paint or weather-protective coatings.
6. Ductwork subject to corrosion shall have minimal contact with the building surface.
7. No portion of an exterior metal duct shall be nearer than 24 inches (609.6 mm) to any door or window or to any exit, or located where it would be readily accessible to the public, unless it is insulated or shielded to avoid injury to any person coming in contact with the duct.
Exception: Listed and labeled factory-built commercial kitchen grease ducts may be used when installed in accordance with Section 304.1.
506.7 Identification of ducts.
All duct systems serving Type I and Type II exhaust equipment shall be permanently labeled: "CAUTION: KITCHEN EXHAUST SYSTEM." At the base of each duct and at its termination point, a clearly identifiable permanent sign shall be installed identifying the facility from which the duct originates.
507.1 General.
Commercial kitchen exhaust hoods shall comply with the requirements of this section. Hoods shall be Type I or II and shall be designed to capture and confine cooking vapors and residues. A Type I or Type II hood shall be installed at or above all commercial cooking appliances in accordance with Section 507.2 and 507.3. Where any cooking appliance under a single hood requires a Type I hood, a Type I hood shall be installed. Where a Type II hood is required, a Type I or Type II hood shall be installed. Where a Type I hood is installed, the installation of the entire system, including the hood, ducts, exhaust equipment and makeup air system shall comply with the requirements of Sections 506, 507, 508 and 509. Where total kitchen hood exhaust airflow rate is greater than 5,000 cfm or as required by the New York City Energy Conservation Code, each hood shall be a factory-built commercial exhaust hood listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory in compliance with UL 710.
1. Factory-built commercial exhaust hoods that are listed and labeled in accordance with UL 710, and installed in accordance with Section 304.1, shall not be required to comply with Sections 507.1.5, 507.2.3, 507.2.5, 507.2.8, 507.3.1, 507.3.3, 507.4 and 507.5.
2. Hoods used with electric cooking equipment shall be in accordance with UL 710B and have a grease removal and fire suppression system.
3. Where cooking appliances are equipped with integral down-draft exhaust systems and such appliances and exhaust systems are listed and labeled for the application in accordance with NFPA 96, a hood shall not be required at or above them.
507.1.1 Operation.
Commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems shall operate while cooking equipment is in operation. The hood exhaust rate shall comply with the listing of the hood or shall comply with Section 507.5. The exhaust fan serving a Type I hood shall have automatic controls that will activate the fan when any appliance that requires such Type I Hood is turned on, or a means of interlock shall be provided that will prevent operation of such appliances when the exhaust fan is not turned on. Where one or more temperature or radiant energy sensors are used to activate a Type I hood exhaust fan, the fan shall activate not more than 15 minutes after the first appliance served by that hood has been turned on. A method of interlock between an exhaust hood system and appliances equipped with standing pilot burners shall not cause the pilot burners to be extinguished. A method of interlock between an exhaust hood system and cooking appliances shall not involve or depend upon any component of a fire-extinguishing system.
Hood exhaust volumes may be reduced during part-load cooking conditions only for listed hoods that are provided with variable speed or multispeed controls from or as approved by the hood manufacturer. Such controls shall automatically operate the exhaust system to maintain capture and removal of cooking effluents as required by this section. Reduced volumes shall maintain capture and removal of effluents from the idle cooking appliances that are operating in a standby mode. Minimum duct velocities shall be maintained during part load operation. The replacement air system shall be operated in coordination with the variable flow operation of the exhausts.
507.1.1.1 Multiple hoods utilizing a single exhaust system.
Where heat or radiant energy sensors are utilized in hood systems consisting of multiple hoods served by a single exhaust system, such sensors shall be provided in each hood. Sensors shall be capable of being accessed from the hood outlet or from a cleanout location.